Today has been a pretty uneventful day. I worked like a trooper to get the barn done with my Pa. The barn was extra dirty since he was sick yesterday and we left the horses inside. After that I made my magic meal of Kraft Dinner, and then I went and had a nap to rejuvenate myself. I also had a Scrabble Tourney with my dad and I still am the reigning champion.
When I was downstairs I was watching tv and I noticed that there is a 2 hour documentary on Richard “the Iceman” Kuklinski. I have read the book about him and it was awesome. He is known to be one of the most notorious professional assassins ever known to man. He was very creative when coming up with ways for his victims to die. He always made sure though that he was the last face that the victim saw. He was used by several mafia and gang families, ie. Sammy ‘the Bull’ Gravano, John Gotti, etc. He had a family and they were totally unaware of what Richard did for a job, until he was caught by the police. Richard’s family lived a very lavish life, never wanting for anything because of the large sums of money he made from the hits he completed. Richard was killed in jail, but the two documentaries (that are on tonight on A&E at 8 and 9 pm) were filmed before he was killed by another inmate in jail. The book was fabulous and I wanted to buy the 2 movies but HBO does not sell to anyone else but Americans so I was unable to get them. Tonight though I will be watching the documentary for sure and I am very excited to see it. I definitely suggest you watch if you get the opportunity other than tonight. Richard K. is a very fascinating person, in many ways.
For a bit of interesting factoids today, I was reading the Toronto Star and got these interesting points. Hope you find them as interesting as I did.
1. The average mom will cook 45,990 meals during her lifetime. The cumulative time amounts to almost three years of her life cooking for the family.
2. Peanut butter cookies have that distinctive cross-hatch pattern because unlike, say, chocolate chip cookies, the dough is stiff and needs to be mashed down with a fork. The pattern also helps people with nut allergies distinguish peanut butter cookies from other types.
3. Gummi candy was invented by Hans Riegel, a candy maker from Bonn, Germany, in 1922. The most popular Gummi candy? The red ones.
4. Breast milk cause more cavities than cow’s milk. One possible explanation: Human nipples may restrict the flow of saliva, which in turn promotes cavities.
5. Only 48% of people are comfortable being near a mother who is breast-feeding her infant in public.
6. 67% of new parents find themselves unhappy with their relationship after the birth of their first child.
Prepone : “to move forward in time. The opposite of postpone. Example: The Wednesday meeting has been preponed to Tuesday”.
8. Extremely optimistic people are 45% less likely than extremely pessimistic people to die of heart disease and other causes.
9. By February 1, 36% of people who’ve made New Years Resolutions will have failed to keep them. Less than half will stick to them for more than 6 months.
Bud Rip : “When someone who’s listening to an MP3 player yanks on the cord attached to the ear buds, quickly removing them to catch what someone nearby is saying”.