Dear Reader,
Before I get into the post I just want to say that many a singer, songwriter and rapper have quoted these words, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”
A very powerful phrase which can be read either way. 1. You’ve given something away and you regret it because it was something special, or 2. There was an opportunity and it was squashed by childish actions of one or more parties. Either way both reflect regret. I also want to toss into the pot with regret, being used, and being lied to. Regret I have a lot of so it’s just another mark on the chalk board and I guess the same applies to being used, and being lied to. It’s the people you expect the least that would do it you though. This person, I trusted, I believed in, I supported, man I did a lot. Then just to trash me and forget all that was done, to forget about the progress and leaps and bounds you went through to improve. We improved as a group not as singles. What keeps running through my head is “You give a person an inch, and they take a mile.” That’s exactly what happened in this situation. I’m calloused, angry, disappointed and a bunch of other emotions, but I know now and have to move on. Jaded, yeah this might make me a little more jaded. I have people telling me that it was clear from the start what this person was like and I chose to stick up and stand up for them and say, “No, I am supporting this person because I think there is something there.” Quoting Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, as the nurse says, “I was lead to a fool’s paradise.” Emotions and feelings are raw when you get right down to the core and if you have been letting people use you throughout your life there comes a time when you have to stand up and say, “I DESERVE BETTER.”
I, Sarah Gall, deserve better and am going to start consciously thinking about the way people treat me and what their intentions may be. I have to make the change and it starts today. No more going out with guys under false pretenses that they like me. No more letting people walk back and forth over me and do nothing about it. Yes, to CHANGE. I move into my new apartment tomorrow, what a great idea to use that as my jumping off point.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Educate Yourself!
Dear Reader,
I have decided to make this entry an entirely educational post, so I hope you enjoy what you are about to learn because I enjoyed reading and finding the articles in the TORONTO STAR, Sunday, February 24, 2008 edition.
10 Things I Learned This week
1. North American fire stations employed Dalmatians to keep horses company, alert them to an alarm, and clear the way for teams pulling fire engines out on calls.
2. On July 28, 1907, an inferno destroyed Coney Island’s Steeplechase amusement park. The next day, owner George C. Tilyou posted a sign that read in part: “On this site will be erected shortly a bigger, better Steeplechase Park. Admissions to the burning ruins, 10 cents.”
3. From the 1850’s, the fire alarm boxes located at street corners enabled the public to rouse firefighters without running across town. Toronto retired the last of its street fire-alarm boxes in the late 1970s.
4. Ancient Rome had 7,000 paid firefighters. Though they had neither water pumps nor hoses, they did hold the power to punish violators of firecodes.
5. Forty-four per cent of cigarettes in the U.S. “are smoked by people with diagnosed mental
disorders, including schizophrenics and alcoholics.
6. Space smells metallic. Don Pettit , an International Space Station science officer: “It reminded me of my college summers where I laboured for many hours with an arc-welding torch repairing heavy equipment for a small logging outfit. It reminded me of pleasant, sweet smelling welding fumes.”

7. The U.S. five-dollar bill will get a splash of yellow and purple next month after it was discovered that counterfeiters “could bleach the bills and remake them as $100s.”
8. Sperm Whales take “cat naps”. Video footage from a new study show them “eerily floating vertically in motionless manner.” The whales spend just 7.1 per cent of their time sleeping.
9.Rank of Oscar among baby names: No. 118. Of Tony: 329. Of Genie: not ranked. It last appeared in the top 1,000 in the 1890s, when it was No. 958.
10. Feb. 29 is Leap Year Day. It is also the fifth Friday of February. The last time February had five Fridays was 1980.
*Here’s my two cents on the above noted facts. I didn’t know about most of them and found them fascinating, hence I am sharing them with you dear reader. The one thing that was brought up about the paid Roman firefighters was yes they were able to punish for unwanted fires but then doesn’t that make them firefighters in the literal sense and policemen in a realistic sense? Number 5 refers to the smoking amongst people with mental disorders and I find that a very real number because people with mental disorders usually have addictive behaviours and therefore they take up activities such as drinking and smoking (note that I am not including all people with mental disorders, I am just stating that I believe the fact). Another point brought up was with Number 6, space smelling metallic. How would anyone really know what space smells like since they are encapsulated in a space station and they NEVER are exposed to the space air. Even when astronauts go on their space walks they are in a spacesuit so how can they smell? Personally I didn’t care about Number 9 and was not going to put it in because I think it is worded terribly, not sure about you but I don’t really care how many people are named Oscar, Tony or Genie, even though that was Barbara Eden’s characters’ name on the hit television show I Dream of Genie.*

SRING BROKE, n.: the financial condition that follows the spring break.
TOOTHPUSS, n.: the toothpaste that oozes out of the end of the tube when it’s not recapped.
LANDSPAM, n.: “spam delivered the old-fashioned way: on paper and via your local postal worker.” Also known as junk mail.
JOY-TO-STUFF RATIO, n.: “the time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods.”
SH*TUATION, n.: a troublesome situation that causes one to use profanity.
DRAMASTIC, adj.: an act both dramatic and drastic, eg. Cutting up one’s credit cards.
PEPPERLONELY, n.: “the piece of pepperoni left on the cardboard when you pick a piece of pizza.”
FUZZWORD, n.: “a buzzword that has no precise meaning>”
*My favourites by far are SHITUATION, PEPPERLONELY, AND FUZZWORD. The people that generate these words either have too much time on their hands or are just dying to get into the dictionary with their contribution. Kudos to the creators though, these words could one day be so much a part of the English language that their frequencies of use would be tremendous!!!*
A new world invasion of a different sort is on the cards if the teeming waters around Antarctica continue warming, researchers caution.
It turns out that cold water is the chief reason voracious crabs haven’t eaten their way south to the frozen continent’s smorgasbord of giant sea spiders, pillbugs, and brittlestars.
Cold water interferes with crabs’ ability to flush toxic magnesium from their bodies. Initially they simply stagger about in a drunken stupor.
However, if the water gets too cold, the crabs pass out and die.
In the past half-century, however, waters off the western Antarctic Peninsula have warmed about 1 degree C, which is above average for oceans worldwide.
Already king crabs are gathering nearby for the first time in deeper slightly warmer waters.
It the warming trend continues scientists fear the crabs will be able to ravage that smorgasbord within the century.

*MY OPINION- you have your crabs that have been into the sauce and are enjoying life, you have your crabs that have been into the sauce and have died from ‘alcohol poisoning”, you have your crabs on ice, or partially pre-warmed and then the king crabs who are totally out of the mix because they are eating the buffet not being apart of it!!!*
Think you know about the great white shark because you saw Jaws? Bet you didn’t’ know that marine biologists have identified a white shark ‘café’ along the annual migration route of these fear-inspiring creatures.
Why a café? The researchers suspect the great whites return to this deep ocean spot 2,500 kilometres west of Baja, Calif., every year to size up potential mates, as well as to eat.
The sexual proclivities of the sharks were revealed by the Tagging of Pacific Predators program (, which over the past eight years has attached satellite tags to more than 2,000 animals.
In addition to 150 great whites tagged off the coast of central California, TOPP has also tracked the movements of two dozen other species, including elephant seals, leatherback turtles, squid, albatross, and sooty shearwaters, which were revealed as nature’s surprise migration champions, flying 65,000 kilometres every year.
Sharks also have a migration surprise: Both great whites and hammerheads appear to follow “superhighway” routes between established gathering places- like the café.
*MY OPINION- Everyone has watched Jaws I’m sure and if you haven’t then listen carefully, GO RENT THE MOVIE AND WATCH IT. I loved Jaws and sure when I was younger I thought all sharks were like that, bigger then the boats trying to catch them and then they come to the demise of being blown apart raining fish bait down upon the area. No really I have done my research on sharks, so I found this article very interesting. I like how the sharks have like a club but they call it café in the article, where they go meet chicks (female sharks) and then take them out to dinner. What a nice way to meet people. Sounds like the same ‘meat market’ us single people subject ourselves too. Another thing I really like is that TOPP is giving every animal it’s own piece of bling, well tracking monitors. So now they can go to the club, show off their bling, have a bite to eat, and take the chick home!!!! Sounds like a good deal if you ask me, cause they don’t have to drop a $1,000 or more for their bling!!!!*
Dear Reader, the educational session has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed it!!! Over and out from ‘educator’ Sarah!
I have decided to make this entry an entirely educational post, so I hope you enjoy what you are about to learn because I enjoyed reading and finding the articles in the TORONTO STAR, Sunday, February 24, 2008 edition.
10 Things I Learned This week
1. North American fire stations employed Dalmatians to keep horses company, alert them to an alarm, and clear the way for teams pulling fire engines out on calls.
2. On July 28, 1907, an inferno destroyed Coney Island’s Steeplechase amusement park. The next day, owner George C. Tilyou posted a sign that read in part: “On this site will be erected shortly a bigger, better Steeplechase Park. Admissions to the burning ruins, 10 cents.”
3. From the 1850’s, the fire alarm boxes located at street corners enabled the public to rouse firefighters without running across town. Toronto retired the last of its street fire-alarm boxes in the late 1970s.
4. Ancient Rome had 7,000 paid firefighters. Though they had neither water pumps nor hoses, they did hold the power to punish violators of firecodes.
5. Forty-four per cent of cigarettes in the U.S. “are smoked by people with diagnosed mental
disorders, including schizophrenics and alcoholics.
6. Space smells metallic. Don Pettit , an International Space Station science officer: “It reminded me of my college summers where I laboured for many hours with an arc-welding torch repairing heavy equipment for a small logging outfit. It reminded me of pleasant, sweet smelling welding fumes.”

7. The U.S. five-dollar bill will get a splash of yellow and purple next month after it was discovered that counterfeiters “could bleach the bills and remake them as $100s.”
8. Sperm Whales take “cat naps”. Video footage from a new study show them “eerily floating vertically in motionless manner.” The whales spend just 7.1 per cent of their time sleeping.
9.Rank of Oscar among baby names: No. 118. Of Tony: 329. Of Genie: not ranked. It last appeared in the top 1,000 in the 1890s, when it was No. 958.
10. Feb. 29 is Leap Year Day. It is also the fifth Friday of February. The last time February had five Fridays was 1980.
*Here’s my two cents on the above noted facts. I didn’t know about most of them and found them fascinating, hence I am sharing them with you dear reader. The one thing that was brought up about the paid Roman firefighters was yes they were able to punish for unwanted fires but then doesn’t that make them firefighters in the literal sense and policemen in a realistic sense? Number 5 refers to the smoking amongst people with mental disorders and I find that a very real number because people with mental disorders usually have addictive behaviours and therefore they take up activities such as drinking and smoking (note that I am not including all people with mental disorders, I am just stating that I believe the fact). Another point brought up was with Number 6, space smelling metallic. How would anyone really know what space smells like since they are encapsulated in a space station and they NEVER are exposed to the space air. Even when astronauts go on their space walks they are in a spacesuit so how can they smell? Personally I didn’t care about Number 9 and was not going to put it in because I think it is worded terribly, not sure about you but I don’t really care how many people are named Oscar, Tony or Genie, even though that was Barbara Eden’s characters’ name on the hit television show I Dream of Genie.*

SRING BROKE, n.: the financial condition that follows the spring break.
TOOTHPUSS, n.: the toothpaste that oozes out of the end of the tube when it’s not recapped.
LANDSPAM, n.: “spam delivered the old-fashioned way: on paper and via your local postal worker.” Also known as junk mail.
JOY-TO-STUFF RATIO, n.: “the time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods.”
SH*TUATION, n.: a troublesome situation that causes one to use profanity.
DRAMASTIC, adj.: an act both dramatic and drastic, eg. Cutting up one’s credit cards.
PEPPERLONELY, n.: “the piece of pepperoni left on the cardboard when you pick a piece of pizza.”
FUZZWORD, n.: “a buzzword that has no precise meaning>”
*My favourites by far are SHITUATION, PEPPERLONELY, AND FUZZWORD. The people that generate these words either have too much time on their hands or are just dying to get into the dictionary with their contribution. Kudos to the creators though, these words could one day be so much a part of the English language that their frequencies of use would be tremendous!!!*
A new world invasion of a different sort is on the cards if the teeming waters around Antarctica continue warming, researchers caution.
It turns out that cold water is the chief reason voracious crabs haven’t eaten their way south to the frozen continent’s smorgasbord of giant sea spiders, pillbugs, and brittlestars.
Cold water interferes with crabs’ ability to flush toxic magnesium from their bodies. Initially they simply stagger about in a drunken stupor.
However, if the water gets too cold, the crabs pass out and die.
In the past half-century, however, waters off the western Antarctic Peninsula have warmed about 1 degree C, which is above average for oceans worldwide.
Already king crabs are gathering nearby for the first time in deeper slightly warmer waters.
It the warming trend continues scientists fear the crabs will be able to ravage that smorgasbord within the century.

*MY OPINION- you have your crabs that have been into the sauce and are enjoying life, you have your crabs that have been into the sauce and have died from ‘alcohol poisoning”, you have your crabs on ice, or partially pre-warmed and then the king crabs who are totally out of the mix because they are eating the buffet not being apart of it!!!*

Think you know about the great white shark because you saw Jaws? Bet you didn’t’ know that marine biologists have identified a white shark ‘café’ along the annual migration route of these fear-inspiring creatures.
Why a café? The researchers suspect the great whites return to this deep ocean spot 2,500 kilometres west of Baja, Calif., every year to size up potential mates, as well as to eat.
The sexual proclivities of the sharks were revealed by the Tagging of Pacific Predators program (, which over the past eight years has attached satellite tags to more than 2,000 animals.
In addition to 150 great whites tagged off the coast of central California, TOPP has also tracked the movements of two dozen other species, including elephant seals, leatherback turtles, squid, albatross, and sooty shearwaters, which were revealed as nature’s surprise migration champions, flying 65,000 kilometres every year.
Sharks also have a migration surprise: Both great whites and hammerheads appear to follow “superhighway” routes between established gathering places- like the café.
*MY OPINION- Everyone has watched Jaws I’m sure and if you haven’t then listen carefully, GO RENT THE MOVIE AND WATCH IT. I loved Jaws and sure when I was younger I thought all sharks were like that, bigger then the boats trying to catch them and then they come to the demise of being blown apart raining fish bait down upon the area. No really I have done my research on sharks, so I found this article very interesting. I like how the sharks have like a club but they call it café in the article, where they go meet chicks (female sharks) and then take them out to dinner. What a nice way to meet people. Sounds like the same ‘meat market’ us single people subject ourselves too. Another thing I really like is that TOPP is giving every animal it’s own piece of bling, well tracking monitors. So now they can go to the club, show off their bling, have a bite to eat, and take the chick home!!!! Sounds like a good deal if you ask me, cause they don’t have to drop a $1,000 or more for their bling!!!!*
Dear Reader, the educational session has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed it!!! Over and out from ‘educator’ Sarah!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Is Blood Thicker Then Water OR Sex Is A Better Bond Then Blood?

Dear Reader,
I am in a dilemma. I have been let down by several people, most importantly by my mum. Mum once told me that my grandma (dad’s mum) told her that blood is thicker then water. To a certain extent I believe that to be true but my mum was helping her out a great deal, since she could not do things because of age, and illness hinderances. Now I come to a different crossroads involving my mum. I have come to think is sex a better bond then blood? I ask this because I had a verbal argument with mum’s boyfriend the other day. Fine and dandy the issue was resolved and I went back downstairs to bed and mum appreciated that I stood up for her. Well yesterday when I was coming home from my EROTIC WRITING WORKSHOP, I got lost and this caused my mind to ponder regarding my mum’s dating situation. This man has made my mum cry so many times and because he can’t handle it, he feels it is easier to say I can see that you don’t want to be together, instead of working things out. In my mind though, there comes a time when you have the same fight over and over regarding something and nothing gets worked out. Topics get rehashed in harsher terms, nastier comments get made and so on. This is when, I have learned this through my own toil and troubles, that I or my mum in this case has to take a stand as a woman and say that I am not going to tolerate such poor behaviour. Now after I had my argument I called my the next day to see how things were going which as she stated were fine. When I got lost and was pondering things though I came to think that this relationship needs to end or have some major changes. Maybe major changes aren’t possible so therefore ending would be the best idea. Well I tried to talk civilly with my mum about this and the feelings I had. Once I started saying that I don’t think to continue such a relationship would be a wise decision on her part she began to get defensive and start being snarky. When my mum doesn’t like what she is hearing she turns bitchy and then in turn I get bitchIER. Thus leading to the downfall of our discussion and ending in a fight and me leaving her house. Well today my mind has conjured up that maybe there is the big possibility that Sex is a better bond then blood, because in my mum’s response that was made very clear. She is willing to accept poor treatment just so she isn’t alone….come on ladies, we all know that isn’t right. Even during the fight that I had with mum’s boyfriend, he made a lot of comments that were said in the wrong text, ex. “I treat your mum like a fucking queen.” Now I believe this to be false because a lot of the time when mum does talk to me about him, she says they are having a disagreement or argument of some kind and she is quite upset. Now reader, you tell me, is that treating someone like a queen or just being a giant dickhead? I don’t but I think it’s the latter in the previous rhetorical question. My mum tried to ignore all that had gone on in the argument with me and the boyfriend and she just pretended like everything is ok and that things were moving along. I think that is totally wrong since this problem has come up more then once. The fact that mum totally reneged on believing what I said to him proves to me that the sex is a better bond then blood. I find it very disappointing to say such a thing and what’s even more sad is that my mum has fallen victim to this person’s persuasions. On the whole my mum is a smart person but since she has fallen hook line and sinker for a man that is willing to treat her bad and NOT like a queen, I am not going to stick up for her in their arguments anymore. Throughout the process I just looked like a fool because when you think back now mum thinks differently about things so what was the point of me standing up for her. I have had to learn this the hard way but I will make sure to keep a record of it in my memory banks.

I attended the erotic writing workshop yesterday and I have to say that it was a fantastic experience. One of the instructors said “We learn by doing” and the saying truly came to life in the exercises her and her other instructing partner had the group do. We were taken to sexual ideas and places that some of us had never thought before. We were allowed to explore and within in the safety zone of the room, everything was acceptable. I cannot say how wonderful this is enough because I had expectations going into the course and they were met and then quite easily surpassed. The style of erotic writing is a craft that is like no other. It embodies feelings, emotions, sexual actions and behaviours, as well as so many other interesting literary things. Anyone who is a writer I highly suggest going to a workshop held by these two instructors because you will have the time of your life and be totally stunned by what you come up with. If anyone would like more information, there is another workshop of erotic writing being held in the month of March. Please send me an email if you are interested in going, I will gladly pass the information along.
I am in a dilemma. I have been let down by several people, most importantly by my mum. Mum once told me that my grandma (dad’s mum) told her that blood is thicker then water. To a certain extent I believe that to be true but my mum was helping her out a great deal, since she could not do things because of age, and illness hinderances. Now I come to a different crossroads involving my mum. I have come to think is sex a better bond then blood? I ask this because I had a verbal argument with mum’s boyfriend the other day. Fine and dandy the issue was resolved and I went back downstairs to bed and mum appreciated that I stood up for her. Well yesterday when I was coming home from my EROTIC WRITING WORKSHOP, I got lost and this caused my mind to ponder regarding my mum’s dating situation. This man has made my mum cry so many times and because he can’t handle it, he feels it is easier to say I can see that you don’t want to be together, instead of working things out. In my mind though, there comes a time when you have the same fight over and over regarding something and nothing gets worked out. Topics get rehashed in harsher terms, nastier comments get made and so on. This is when, I have learned this through my own toil and troubles, that I or my mum in this case has to take a stand as a woman and say that I am not going to tolerate such poor behaviour. Now after I had my argument I called my the next day to see how things were going which as she stated were fine. When I got lost and was pondering things though I came to think that this relationship needs to end or have some major changes. Maybe major changes aren’t possible so therefore ending would be the best idea. Well I tried to talk civilly with my mum about this and the feelings I had. Once I started saying that I don’t think to continue such a relationship would be a wise decision on her part she began to get defensive and start being snarky. When my mum doesn’t like what she is hearing she turns bitchy and then in turn I get bitchIER. Thus leading to the downfall of our discussion and ending in a fight and me leaving her house. Well today my mind has conjured up that maybe there is the big possibility that Sex is a better bond then blood, because in my mum’s response that was made very clear. She is willing to accept poor treatment just so she isn’t alone….come on ladies, we all know that isn’t right. Even during the fight that I had with mum’s boyfriend, he made a lot of comments that were said in the wrong text, ex. “I treat your mum like a fucking queen.” Now I believe this to be false because a lot of the time when mum does talk to me about him, she says they are having a disagreement or argument of some kind and she is quite upset. Now reader, you tell me, is that treating someone like a queen or just being a giant dickhead? I don’t but I think it’s the latter in the previous rhetorical question. My mum tried to ignore all that had gone on in the argument with me and the boyfriend and she just pretended like everything is ok and that things were moving along. I think that is totally wrong since this problem has come up more then once. The fact that mum totally reneged on believing what I said to him proves to me that the sex is a better bond then blood. I find it very disappointing to say such a thing and what’s even more sad is that my mum has fallen victim to this person’s persuasions. On the whole my mum is a smart person but since she has fallen hook line and sinker for a man that is willing to treat her bad and NOT like a queen, I am not going to stick up for her in their arguments anymore. Throughout the process I just looked like a fool because when you think back now mum thinks differently about things so what was the point of me standing up for her. I have had to learn this the hard way but I will make sure to keep a record of it in my memory banks.

I attended the erotic writing workshop yesterday and I have to say that it was a fantastic experience. One of the instructors said “We learn by doing” and the saying truly came to life in the exercises her and her other instructing partner had the group do. We were taken to sexual ideas and places that some of us had never thought before. We were allowed to explore and within in the safety zone of the room, everything was acceptable. I cannot say how wonderful this is enough because I had expectations going into the course and they were met and then quite easily surpassed. The style of erotic writing is a craft that is like no other. It embodies feelings, emotions, sexual actions and behaviours, as well as so many other interesting literary things. Anyone who is a writer I highly suggest going to a workshop held by these two instructors because you will have the time of your life and be totally stunned by what you come up with. If anyone would like more information, there is another workshop of erotic writing being held in the month of March. Please send me an email if you are interested in going, I will gladly pass the information along.
I have gotten the go ahead from one of the instructors of the workshop so I just want to introduce you to Susan Lynn Reynolds. She has successfully published a book entitled Strandia. (I am in the process of getting this book for myself.) She has been writing erotically for about 10years. She also has published a book of Erotic poetry, with the other instructor of the course, James Dewar, the title is Interluscious. One of the poems was read at the workshop and it was fantastic so i just want to let you know that you are not wasting your time getting it. Here is a link to Sue's website. There are other links and goodies on here:
I have just gotten the go ahead from the other instructor, so dear reader i would like to introduce James Dewar. He is a poet and has been running poetry shows in Toronto for 4 to 5 years. He has successfully published a book of poetry entitled The Garden in the Machine. James said, one of the most important things in the workshop, "We have to give ourselves the permission to write it (meaning the sex scenes, etc.)" and I found that very true and so important when beginning to write erotica. Here's two links to James' websites where I'm sure you will find some goodies as well:
Enjoy dear reader because I know I sure did!!!!
Enjoy dear reader because I sure did!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Dear Reader,

So I have some really good news. I have been apartment hunting and I have finally found the perfect apartment. I made the offer that I wanted it and I got the call on Feb 13 telling me that the apartment was mine March 1. This means no more house shuffle between either of my parents’ homes. This means an abode of my own. A place that I can call home. I am taking Princess Abby the barn cat that I saved a year or two ago. She is getting de-clawed because she claws a lot and I don’t want everything being ruined to rat shit. I am hoping that March 1 I will be able to sleep there and start my whole adventure of living on my own. I am many things: nervous, scared, happy, overjoyed, curious, and so much more. This is going to be great I think. I already like picking what I want my furniture to be like and how I want it to be arranged. I want to make this clear to you reader and also for myself…THIS IS NOT A PARTY HAVEN, THIS IS GOING TO BE A HOME. I am over the party scene, I don’t mind having a friend over now and then but party central this is not. It’s going to be my special place….I’m quite excited can’t you tell.
So on Wednesday night I had a date with a friend from the past. I knew him when I was dating my abusive boyfriend and we had some chemistry back then. He wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and take me out to dinner so I said it sounded like a wonderful idea. We had good conversation on the way to the restaurant and then after. He wanted to go to Kirkfield beach (no it’s not a beach) and just sit and talk. We did that but we did make out as well. Now I haven’t made out with someone for a long time and we all know that I have been a born again virgin from lack of sex. The making out though, it was sweet, it was heart felt, it made me feel things that I hadn’t felt for a long time. He got to a point where he had the guilt bug because….here’s the kicker, he started thinking about his girlfriend. Now I am a very jealous person to begin with so when this happened I started to feel guilty for certain things that I had said to him and such. But most of all it got me thinking about how much I miss being kissed, being cuddled, and most of all loved. No I don’t think this guy loves me but I miss having someone to give my love too and get it in return. Needless to say I had a good night but I left very sexually frustrated, jealous, and wanting a guy that is clearly not able to be mine.
Reader, we know that I am trying to become an accomplished writer and I have entered a contest or two and been to a self publishing workshop. I got an email from one of the ladies in one of my writing groups and it was regarding an Erotic Writing workshop. Now when I was taking my writing course, I was known for writing the sexual, erotic and racy pieces, no one really touched the subject. I enjoyed the writing and the ideas that I came up with so when I found I had an opportunity to apply for this workshop I jumped at it. The workshop is Feb 23 from 10 to 4. I can’t wait to let you know what it was like and share some of what I have written.
So reader I wrote to you finally and I had some good stuff to share. I still haven’t received any feedback as to whether I should post my visual bookshelf to share what I have been reading and such so I will not post it until I get something from someone…hey that could be you!

Valentine’s day just passed and yes I think it’s not the greatest holiday, especially for single people. I think the holiday was made specifically for people to rub in the single people’s faces that they are alone and what have you. WELL I AM SINGLE AND I HATE VALENTINES DAY. To all people that agree with me good for you and be true to your heart, don’t fall for the chocolate from a friend or a postman….it’s a guilt gift because you are single. I AM SINGLE …and trying to be proud about it but some voids are not getting filled!!! NOTE - As a ritual I had to post the above picture because it's a yearly event.
Sending you love dear reader because it is you that has been true to my blog and read it faithfully. You are special and you get to enjoy the humour and weirdness that I bring to the world. A special cheers to that, oh yeah, and everything I just wrote in this paragraph is truly sincere! Here's a virtual gift to show my token of love.
So on Wednesday night I had a date with a friend from the past. I knew him when I was dating my abusive boyfriend and we had some chemistry back then. He wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and take me out to dinner so I said it sounded like a wonderful idea. We had good conversation on the way to the restaurant and then after. He wanted to go to Kirkfield beach (no it’s not a beach) and just sit and talk. We did that but we did make out as well. Now I haven’t made out with someone for a long time and we all know that I have been a born again virgin from lack of sex. The making out though, it was sweet, it was heart felt, it made me feel things that I hadn’t felt for a long time. He got to a point where he had the guilt bug because….here’s the kicker, he started thinking about his girlfriend. Now I am a very jealous person to begin with so when this happened I started to feel guilty for certain things that I had said to him and such. But most of all it got me thinking about how much I miss being kissed, being cuddled, and most of all loved. No I don’t think this guy loves me but I miss having someone to give my love too and get it in return. Needless to say I had a good night but I left very sexually frustrated, jealous, and wanting a guy that is clearly not able to be mine.
Reader, we know that I am trying to become an accomplished writer and I have entered a contest or two and been to a self publishing workshop. I got an email from one of the ladies in one of my writing groups and it was regarding an Erotic Writing workshop. Now when I was taking my writing course, I was known for writing the sexual, erotic and racy pieces, no one really touched the subject. I enjoyed the writing and the ideas that I came up with so when I found I had an opportunity to apply for this workshop I jumped at it. The workshop is Feb 23 from 10 to 4. I can’t wait to let you know what it was like and share some of what I have written.
So reader I wrote to you finally and I had some good stuff to share. I still haven’t received any feedback as to whether I should post my visual bookshelf to share what I have been reading and such so I will not post it until I get something from someone…hey that could be you!

Valentine’s day just passed and yes I think it’s not the greatest holiday, especially for single people. I think the holiday was made specifically for people to rub in the single people’s faces that they are alone and what have you. WELL I AM SINGLE AND I HATE VALENTINES DAY. To all people that agree with me good for you and be true to your heart, don’t fall for the chocolate from a friend or a postman….it’s a guilt gift because you are single. I AM SINGLE …and trying to be proud about it but some voids are not getting filled!!! NOTE - As a ritual I had to post the above picture because it's a yearly event.
Sending you love dear reader because it is you that has been true to my blog and read it faithfully. You are special and you get to enjoy the humour and weirdness that I bring to the world. A special cheers to that, oh yeah, and everything I just wrote in this paragraph is truly sincere! Here's a virtual gift to show my token of love.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The characters in this movie were fantastic. They came from all walks of life, straight, gay, married and very single. When the initial 6 unite to form a book club magic occurs. Relating to characters within all 6 Jane Austen books each has a different look and appeal. Witty remarks, catchy phrases, and idyllic lifestyle is what all 5 women and single man want. The fantasy of Austen’s tales encourage each character to develop in to better more well rounded person by the end of the film. The cast works together like peanut butter and jam a trusty combination. New love is found and old love is rekindled.
While watching this movie I was inspired to contact a person that I myself like. I was silly and called way too soon but by watching this movie I was inspired to act and be an upstanding woman. A woman of talent, of class, of curiosity. I think my actions caused me to bugger up something that hasn’t quite happened yet, and who knows may never happen. I took a chance and moved too fast.
Here is a quote that I can totally relate to and it’s from Jane Austen. (I did some looking while I was reviewing this movie and thinking of how to describe such a perfect movie.)
A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. – Jane Austen
This quote is so suitable because it states that in a moment of weak heart and woman can fall so heavily and deep for a fellow that she hardly knows. Couldn’t say it better then Jane….
While watching this movie I was inspired to contact a person that I myself like. I was silly and called way too soon but by watching this movie I was inspired to act and be an upstanding woman. A woman of talent, of class, of curiosity. I think my actions caused me to bugger up something that hasn’t quite happened yet, and who knows may never happen. I took a chance and moved too fast.
Here is a quote that I can totally relate to and it’s from Jane Austen. (I did some looking while I was reviewing this movie and thinking of how to describe such a perfect movie.)
A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. – Jane Austen
This quote is so suitable because it states that in a moment of weak heart and woman can fall so heavily and deep for a fellow that she hardly knows. Couldn’t say it better then Jane….
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