Saturday, March 29, 2008

Erotic Writing Workshop Part 2, and Welcome My Character - Gene Ohm

Dear Reader,

I had the pleasure of attending the second part of the Erotic Writing Workshop today. The course took place from 10 til 4 and was superb yet again. Although the course was about erotic writing there were some basic premises for the workshop. We got to use a character that we had and develop them more, what kind of sex do they like, why do they like sex, what was their first kiss like, had they had a negative sexual experience and how had that affected them. This was really about delving deep into yourself and finding that character that was wanting to come out. Some of the people were able to use characters they had already established. I stuck with the same character that I created from the last workshop, whose name is Gene. I have included a picture of Gene here so that you can see just how interesting it would be to write erotically about him. Another point that James and Sue touched on was that as writers we have to use the kinaesthetic experience to express how our characters experience sex and what they feel and think while going through the motions. This was a very interesting exercise because it really made the writers use the show don’t tell rule to it’s fullest potential. The final 3 points that were taught were Flirtation/Seduction, Consummation, and Afterglow/Aftergrow. Each person within the class found that their characters developed and peaked a different way then everyone else. The individuality of this course is amazing and as a writer I encourage people to take it because it does open up horizons as to how you write about sex and how far your characters go with it.

For further information you can go to the links:
Susan Lynn Reynolds
James Dewar

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

RIP Rose - March 25, 2008

Dear Reader,

I have some very unfortunate news to share with you. My cat, Rose, passed away last night in her sleep. I was calling my dad at work (he’s a vet) this morn to see how she was doing and I was told this terrible news. I was upset that no one had called me to tell me this had happened but there’s nothing I could do about this. Rose was at the vet clinic because she was acting strange in the last two days. She was sleeping in her litter box and just looked completely depressed. Mum convinced my dad that this was odd enough behaviour and that she should be checked out just to make sure she was ok. Well when my dad got the results things were not the way they should have been. Rose’s body had started destroying it’s own red blood cells which is what is a form of anemia in cats. This anemia is different then what we as people get, which is a lack of iron and usually b12. Dad had started treatments on her and he said that she seemed to be responding to them. Then he went to work this morn and found her curled up in a ball, what appeared to be sleeping but had passed. Dad said that she didn’t suffer at all and wasn’t in any pain. Rose was 13 years old which is not ancient for a cat so dad had said that she would be able to recover from this and live a few decent more years.

Rose was a special cat. She had one blue eye and a green eye, and a very stunning appearance. She did have times when she got quite cranky (who doesn’t) but in the last year she had become more lovable and approachable. I found Rose often nestled on bed with Zoe (our other cat) close by, napping the day away. Rose was 13 years old and I got her when I was in grade 6 . I was staying at a friends house and there had been a litter of kittens and I couldn’t part with Rose so I was allowed to take her home. In her hay day Rose was a bit naughty, she chewed many a toilet flusher, and anything else she could get her teeth on. When she moved to the farm she liked the freedom and how social she could be.

Rose, you will be dearly missed by both my parents and myself. I hope that you are pain free and in a better place where there is no suffering. We will place you with our other beloved pets that have passed so that you are not alone, and stone will be engraved with your name to mark your place. With love, Sarah.

I thought I would put some quotes that Princess Diana had said as a nice way to finish this piece off and help with my grieving.

Bereavement is an experience of change and adjustment.” - Princess Diana

Tears move through us, wash us clean, and create the space for something new.” - Princess Diana

When a person dies, their spirit hangs around to watch for a while.” - Princess Diana said this to Paul Burrell, her butler, when his mother passed away.

In life what sometimes appears to be the end is really a new beginning.” - Author Unknown

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Wonderful Meal....Kraft Dinner

Dear Reader,

Today is going to be yet another educational blog day. The source of your knowledge infested reading will all relate to KRAFT DINNER. I just had Kraft Dinner for a brunch (breakfast/lunch) type of deal. I truly think that KD is a great meal for less then 50 cents. On the norm, I have been able to finish an entire box to myself at one sitting and that does me for pretty much most of the day and then I have dinner. I’m not sure if I have told you dear reader but I am also lactose intolerant so I don’t use the recommend amount of butter or milk in my KD delight. I use lactose free milk (1% is really nice and light) and I use a bit extra of that. Yes I am of the breed that likes their KD on the runny side not the stodgy. I have been enjoying KD since I was young, sometimes with hot dogs in it, sometimes as a side dish, but never with ketchup (I feel that takes away from the Cheez Pro powder taste and I just think it looks gross too). I am true to my KD and always purchase the original kind, when I was a kid I went through a phase where I liked getting the pasta when it was shaped as Mario brothers or something but it always broke apart and then you had a bunch of Mario brother body parts to eat.

In the old days the box never used to state what is known as Sensible Solution. In this area (which is on the front of the box) it says what a wonder KD is. “Source of Calcium and Protein, Good source of iron, good source of 5 essential nutrients,” which is all contained in a 225g box. Then when you flip the box over you are greeted again with another Sensible Solution stating “The Sensible Solution flag helps you find nutritious food choices. Kraft Dinner mac ‘n cheese, as prepared, carries this flag because it is a source of calcium and protein and a good source of iron. KD also provides a good source of 5 essential nutrients.” Now that whole little schpiel is unnecessary because it is written on the front of the package, how many times does the eater want to be informed of how great it is. NOTE- If the person eating KD has any sense at all they will realize that it’s not a magic product with all this stuff in it, it’s a product that kids will eat because it’s easy to make, and parents find it cheap to buy.
NOTE- I find it quite silly how they give directions as to how healthy the product is as a dry mix because no one I ever know eats KD dry, that would be gross.
So dear reader I hope that you have enjoyed learning about all the ins and outs of KD it was my pleasure to enlighten you on it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Blah, blah, blah...

Dear Reader,

I just got home from doing my first grocery shop. Let’s just say that I am glad that I finished my treks up the stairs with all my groceries. That will definitely add exercise to my weekly routine. I am very tired and I think that I need to figure out a better way to get the groceries up the stairs. Although my counter argument is that it was my first grocery shop so I would have more things then the regular shop….at least that is what I am hoping.

So tonight is the night that Abby comes home and starts to get used to the new diggs which will be her home now. I can’t wait to have her here, it will be comforting and we will develop a great bond. Now the secret about Abby was that when she was young she was really sick and from being so sick she is now deaf. I chose to bring Abby from the farm because she is really special and it will be a lot safer for her as well. Princess Abby will be taking her thrown this eve when dad brings her over. I’m so excited for her arrival.


I have a friend come over for the weekend. She has some issues but if my place can be her haven for the weekend. If she can get her feet back on the ground the home away from home will work perfectly for her. I just want to welcome her to my house and let her know that in times of trouble I am more then glad to help.

NOTE- Pics are coming soon I just have to remember to bring the camera. Things are really coming together and I enjoy living on my own. I’ll keep ya posted.

Cheers Reader

Monday, March 3, 2008

First Night and Some Other News...

Dear Reader,

Tonight is the first night that I will be spending at the new digs. I have my book and my pjs ready and am bringing some popcorn in case I want to watch a movie on my laptop. No I don’t have any tv yet but the cable people are coming tomorrow so I will have to be at the apartment waiting for them, and with them they will bring tv channels and high speed internet. Since both my parents houses have dial up I can’t wait to get a decent internet connection with a little bit of zoom in it. I would have taken pics of the new digs but I forgot to bring my camera today with me when I was there for the aft. So you will have to wait but I caution you dear reader, you are going to love my apartment and the furniture that I have chosen, but NO you cannot have it. It’s mine, all mine.

My horse Cody, his rider Michelle, just finished riding him and she had him going the best she has ever had him going. There was no jumping tonight just flat work but it was hardcore and amazing. Michelle plans to show Cody this year and I think that will be a fun endeavour. Her riding is really coming along and she is getting her confidence back with each time she rides. No pics of the team yet but they will be coming, I will make sure that I get on that as well. Good luck to Cody and Michelle for an interesting and fun show season.

For all the readers that know I am an avid the Hills fan. I have just gotten word that the new season will be starting on March 24, which is a Monday. Look forward to seeing how Lauren and Whitney did in Paris. Did Brody wait for Lauren to return and greet her with loving gestures? What did Audrina do while Lauren was away? How’s the Heidi and Spencer situation? Can’t wait…me neither so tune in on March 24 to see what happens.