Monday, October 27, 2008

Mish Mosh Monday

Dear Reader,
I miss writing to you greatly so I decided this morn that I would post you a little ditty. My mum is on holidays in Edmonton, but is currently in Jasper. My dad was a complete dick last surprise there I guess. Because of that happening I have changed the thingy under my name on msn to “to be or not to be an asshole”. Yes it's hamlet-esque but that's ok, Shakespeare wrote a ton of good stuff so why not remember him by a quote from one of his fab plays. As you can tell from the start of this post it is going to be a post with a bunch of mish mosh cause I am just going to pour my brain on to the computer screen for your pleasure. I'm not even going to put paragraphs or anything. Today is mish mosh monday.BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER is a documentary that I watched yesterday. It was a great movie because it brought light to how American's consistently depend on steriods to keep themselves big and muscle-y, like Arnold, Lou Ferrigno, Jose Conseco, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Ben Johnson, Sly Stallone, and many other celebs that you would know. It was very informative because as serious as steriods is, it doesn't kill as many as the FDA, and other organizations say. It kills 3 people every year, while alcohol, hard, drugs, car accidents and other things kill thousands upon thousands of people. Very interesting and I totally thought the documentary host CHRISTOPHER BELL was hot and he was 1000000 times better then Morgan Spurlock (SuperSize Me). The weather last night was completely crumby too. There were thunder bolts and lightening crashes a lot and then came the buckets of rain. What a crappy night, it should have been predicted though because yesterday was very cold and yucky all day. The book I am currently reading is THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES by Cecila Ahearn (wrote PS I LOVE YOU), it's a very interesting book. A woman ends up getting a blood transfusion when she loses her baby and the donor's blood has come with memories of his family and life and job. So not only is her mind filled with her own life's disasters, she has to deal with his too. She actually goes on a quest to find the donor that saved her life. Interesting concept. Haven't finished it yet but I'm more then ½ way through and it's good. In my downloading travels, I happened to come across an album that was all burlesque music. I have listened to some of it and surprisingly, it is quite good. It's sort of like electronica but not quite, but I find it very interesting. Let's say that i am considering getting a pole for my apartment so that i can work out and get hot! (I know that's not really burlesque but ....). FYI= It's monopoly days at mcyaks so to all you die-hards, try and participate the prizes are really good and I wish you well and I'm hoping I get some luck too so that I can fun during monopoly days! Yes, it's my most favourite time at McYaks ever!
Signing off,
10 / 4 Good buddies

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Dear Reader,

Sometimes when words escape you nothing says it better then song. My friend wrote a recent post where she only used song lyrics to describe what is going on in her life.

I find that song helps me through a lot. When I want to rant I listen to some hard ass stuff. When I want to find comfort and solace I listen to music that is mellow and makes me ponder about many things. When I am in a good mood and just want to boogie, then the dance hall and club stuff comes out.

Whether it be James Taylor, Nas, Nellie McKay, Sarah McLachlan or Hedley they all have a story to tell. Each story is different from the last and certainly the next. Although certain parts of the song may ring true with you and may instigate some wonderful ideas they are someone else's ideas. These ideas make you spark your own ideas to write, create, or be your own new enigma. The power of song is something that not one single person could describe and it be the same for everyone else.


I am trying to eat healthy. I was given the challenge of eating one live food a day. For the first 2 weeks it went really well. I was trying different foods: yogurt, stir frys, veggies, fruit. Then I had to do a week of healthy carbs. I found that when I was eating the live foods I was more energized, able to go longer without a nap, overall feeling better. When I went with my week of carbs I did slow down a little bit and felt I craved that nap more then the last 2 weeks. I fell off the wagon and haven't been eating the greatest but come Monday back on the healthy stuff I go. It did a lot for me and even helped me lose a bit of weight. Everyone is really proud of me and being supportive for me to continue on this kick. Thanks guys!


I have a job. I met an old boss on the golf course last week and he said to give him a call regarding work if I was looking. Well being jobless gets tiring, so I did give him a call. I wanted to start supporting myself more and have a better income. Needless to say I started work on October 2 and am doing well. It's part time for now but I hope to eventually graduate to full time.


I sit here watching my two cats, Abby and Zoe. With the weather change they have been acting a little fritzy and doing some odd things. The batting matches are more frequent and since it's been so cold the patio door has been closed, so no outside time. I think the kitties miss their outside time, but I am not willing to freeze myself out of my own apartment just to please two spoiled felines. Yes, they may be my babies and my company but it's not happening. If there are a few nice days left then ok, the patio door will be open and they can seek refuge on the furniture. My cats are funny. They never used to get along. Abby lived here first before Zoe, but when Zoe arrived she thought it was her palace and Abby was an intruder. Well the tables have turned an now they are great friends. They play, share meals, and even beds. I'm glad there isn't 2 pissy females aside from me in my house because that would make life all that much harder.


I must make a quick mention about the Hills. When it first started I was really thinking that this season was going to be the worst season to date. Man was I ever wrong. They just needed to get their engines rev'd so that they could let the drama fly. The last few shows have been totally fantastic and have been drama packed, therefore making it the bees knees. There's the usual Spencer and Heidi conflicts, Lo and Audrina are now getting along, Lauren thinks she wants to date someone she's already dated (hopefully it's Brody...fingers crossed), Stephanie has betrayed Lauren, Whitney is a star at People's Revolution and the new guy Doug, well lets just say he's trying to get his from Stephanie behind Lauren's back and has been CAUGHT! So let's go back to singing, “The hills are alive with the sound of bickering and yelling.....”