Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Take.... Your..... Time.....

Dear Reader,

I have decided that it has been way too long since our last activity post from THIS DIARY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE 2009.

I was browsing the pages and found a great way to start getting back into our weekly adventures and discussing them.

“Manana, Manana Week
This week do you bit to slow our society down. Our civilization is far too efficiency-minded. There are few tasks so important that they can't wait a few days for completion. Learning to relax and take your time will improve your life immeasurably – and probably delay your death. Others too will be grateful for the softer pace you impose.

Examples from the book

Walk slowly across pedestrian crossings.

Roll your tongue in your mouth seven times before speaking.

Drive at half the speed limit.

Object to planning applications.

Don't get your card out until you get to the cash point.

Postpone all appointments to next week.”

My suggestions as to what to do slower:

SEX, not everyone wants to have sex like a rabbit, be romantic. Tantric practices are interesting!

Eating, enjoy each piece of food that enters your mouth. Savour the flavour.

Writing, with each stroke of the pen/pencil think about the best way to perfect your printing/cursive writing. Lots of people appreciate when you pay attention to detail.

Picking your nose, enjoy it. It's a relaxing activity that you can do at least once a day and be at peace with what is building up inside your nose as you calmly remove it.

Those are just a few of my suggestions. If you want to write back with your comments or what you did slowly today, that would be fab.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Who Am I? Then, Who Are You?

Dear Reader,

I was at an interview on May 6, Wednesday, and the interviewer asked me WHO IS SARAH GALL?

I proceeded to name off things I do : teach riding lessons, an aspiring writer, a hard worker, etc.
Now that I have had some time to think of it though, at the age of 25 that is a silly question to ask because who really knows who they are. I can list off things that I do but I am constantly changing and that cannot give me an idea to pinpoint who I am. One must consider what the person asking the question is looking for within the answer....maybe adjectives, descriptors, verbs. In the English language there are so many ways to interpret such a simple phrase.

So I am going to try and complete the exerise once again but in a different, more encompassing manner:

I am a 25 year old female, who lives by herself, and is single.

I have 2 cats that reside in my apartment with me and I enjoy their company very much. Their names are Abby and Zoe.

I have a curvy figure that i tend to like and dislike at the best of times.

I am an only child, born to two loving parents that are special in their own ways. In each of my parents there are qualities that I one day want to acheive within my being.

I am the co-owner of a horse farm, which is home to horses, cows, a donkey, cats, and a dog.

I am : passionate, compassionate, thorough, witty, humourous, empathetic, goal driven, bodacious, vivacious, vuluptuous, aggressive, passive, sexual, sensual, creative, happy, comfortable, content, visual, adaptive, capable, loveable, a dreamer, a good writer, friendly, an entertainment buff.

There are so many more words that I would like to add but as I sit here pondering how to encapsulate an answer in a mere blog post I am at a loss for words. I want to convey that I am fluent in the English language and that I am always reading and attempting to broaden my vocabulary as well as my educational values. In many ways I want to be different then the average Joe, or Josephine in my case. I don't want to be described with one or two words, I want to be indescribable sometimes. I want to invisible when necessary. I want to be honoured when the time has come. I want to be accredited for my accomplishments.

I've tried to explain who I am, so who are you?

Friday, May 1, 2009

What Matters To You?

Dear Reader,

It has been a while but there have been a few things that have sparked my interest to write this post to you. A very dear friend of mine, recently lost her mum. I feel for her and when I heard the news I was brought to tears. Her mum will not get to see her first born child or her brother's second child. This got me thinking about our time here on the planet. Some of us are here for a long time, a friend of my parents, her mother passed away at the age of 88. She had a long life and it was well lived. My friend's mum was only the age of 54, this hits close to home for me because my mum is going to be 57 in July. I can only imagine what my friend thought and felt as she watched her mum decline so rapidly. Not only is she pregnant and having to keep on top of that but she also had to deal with a matter that would break most people's hearts. She's sad and wishes her mum could be there but she knows she isn't suffering anymore and considers that a blessing. I put my heart out to both my friend and her mother.

At this point in writing this post I want to take a moment and I would like you to do the same. I want you to think about your time here. Have you accomplished what you wanted to this point? Do you still have goals and dreams that you are working and aspiring to? Have you made amends with those you had problems with? Have you gotten rid of any feelings of hatred? Do you know who you would miss the most, and why? What would you say to those people?

I know that there have been many accomplishments in my life to this point and I am still trying to reach other goals that I have set for myself. I know that I am at peace with my parents and that we have a good relationship and that we can talk about a variety of things. I know that as a writer, I am constantly trying to work and find new avenues to release and create my work. There are a few people that I have not made amends with but I can say that I tried and did all that I could. I have accepted responsibility for destroying particular relationships and then trying to make amends and apologizing for such poor behaviour. I have hatred within but each day if I can try and get rid of a modicum of it maybe there will be none one day. I would miss my parents and best friends. The people I can bear my soul to, the people that know the real me, through the good and the bad. I know that I would be reunited with my precious Phildog and that would mean the world to me.

Those are the things that matter to me right now!