Friday, June 5, 2009

Accomplishment=Good Feelings

Dear Reader,

Today has been a good day. A step forward in PROJECT : CHANGE MY LIFE.

I gave a lesson as I usually do on Friday nights and I feel like I have accomplished a great feat.

My student has a pony that has potential to be out of control and we are preparing to go to a show on Sunday. Well this pony and his rider went awesome tonight, the best I have seen them go. It's like a completely different team then when they first came to me. It's nice to see how I have helped them. I am very looking forward to going to the show on Sunday. It's a good stepping stone in their progress and what the rider wants to get out of this.

Feeling like you have done something good and you can see the change you have brought around is the greatest feeling.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear Reader,

Somedays, do you ever wake up and say, “What am i doing with my life?”

Well i woke up today saying that for my inner mantra.

At the age of 25, I am unemployed yet seeking employment and not really doing much with my days. I don't know why i possess no lack of drive. I was exercising and actually seeing results and then i had to stop that because i got sick. I'm better now and should be back on the wagon, but i keep straying from the leap that will get me on.

I think today i just woke up with a lot of indecision and what have you in my life. I will be making a change that is to take effect soon so that I can start being productive with my life. Certain habits are going to be seriously reduced or ended, while other good habits are going to be re-ignited and get my fire burning once again.

I think today will be the start of many. Today is day 1 of PROJECT: CHANGE MY LIFE!