My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I normally really enjoy books by Cathy Glass but this one I couldn't really get into, hence it took me a month to read. There was something that I didn't like about the child that was the main character. Not sure whether it was his behaviour or whether I just didn't like the way Glass portrayed his character. Towards the end you find out very sad news which explains partially why he has such problems and then I felt really bad for him. But the news is also quite disturbing and horrifying so I had my jaw dropped a lot when I was reading what could have contributed to his issues. I also did not like how the social worker, assigned to the case, was so lax about how he dealt with things. Quite often he was under/mis-informed, he rarely met with the children that were under his charge, and he had a not caring attitude towards his job. He was always making excuses for why his actions weren't on time, etc. and the main excuse was that he had just gone through a divorce. Then you find out that he did get an extended leave so he should have been able to collect himself and put his heart and soul into his work upon his return. So yes, I found this book a bit off when compared to the other Cathy Glass books, but they all can't be winners I guess. I will read her books again but I may take a break from them for a while.
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