Ok dear reader, I have a small sin to confess. I was watching the movie Match Point with my fav. Scarlett Johansonn and Jonathan Rhys Myers for one really bad reason…..I was told there was a really raunchy sex scene and guess what I felt like seeing something like that tonight. Not porn style just some good lovin’. Well big disappointment folks, and the movie wasn’t that great either. SJ starts off being engaged to the very tempting Matthew Goode (a british babe…lets face it the accent had me) when his friend JRM appears after being a one hit wonder tennis player. MG and JRM are friends and frequently play tennis (the white shorts aren’t hard on the eyes, not as nice as boxers though) and chit chat about what they want to do with their young lives, etc. MG hooks JRM up with his sister and they get along just perfectly. The relationship takes a nose dive between MG and SJ because of a rude and obsessive mother (that being MG’s). SJ has a fit after the mother goes after her about her chosen career and ends up taking a walking trip in the rain, soon to be followed by JRM, and a not really well depicted sex scene is had in a field. The relationship between MG and SJ breaks up because the hottie has found and fallen for another girl whom he soon gets married to and while at the ceremony we find out she is impregnated (with his alien child…end of story…I don’t think so but would have been a good twist). SJ leaves England for a while to go back to the horrid country of America (or so she states) to get some gigs (the posh term for a job in the acting world). JRM ends up marrying MG’s sister which is all fine and dandy till SJ appears back in England because she just couldn’t stand the states anymore. She ends up having this very awkward love affair with the married JRM, there are sex scene but they aren't raunchy at all. There are a few encounters with the wife but he’s able to be sauve and special and avoid any questioning as to if he’s bonking SJ. Key point here, MG’s sister is strange and cannot get pregnant for some reason “But they both were at the doctor and were healthy as can be?!?!?” said by the naïve wife. Then reader, what do you think happens, just ask yourself what would be the next step in a movie like this? That’s right, SJ gets pregnant with JRM”S baby and she becomes a demanding bitch, always wanting to see him and wanting him to break up with his wife and do the right thing (everything after the word AND would be from his perspective of course). He takes it for a while but then decides he just can’t handle having the mistress preggers and look at all the money and job opportunities, and whatever unimaginable things he would be losing out on(MG’s family is beyond loaded). There’s even a point in the movie where he talks with a friend and says “My wife is a retard but has a lot of other good points, her family’s rich, my job was given to me by her dad (he’s got a high up position), their nice to me , I play polo and go shooting with them…. The mistress, if I end up with her, I will have some dead end job working at a local mc donald’s trying to make ends meet, living in a one bedroom apartment (oh no!). Staying with the wife is the better option don’t you think” (the lines he said may have been a bit different but I was paraphrasing…artistic license folks!) So JRM has made the big decision to stay with is wife, what a good guy …NOT. His plan and it’s sucky compared to other movies, hide his hunting rifle in his tennis bag for a while and when the time is right shoot the neighbour who has seen him frequently and then shoot the mistress as she’s coming off the elevator to guess what…. MEET HIM!!!! He does go through with this pathetic plan but eventually he’s a bit sloppy with the fact that IAN the neighbour tried to ask the neighbour JRM killed if she needed anything and THEN he saw SJ on his way out the building and guess what….they had a bit of a chit chat. HA JRM you thought you were so smart with the rifle in the tennis bag, which was really ridiculous when he was carrying it around. People would ask him, “Oh so you going to play tennis or have a match with someone” and he’d act all peculiar and then respond with a nod or a strange YES. I don’t know folks, but that sounds to me like someone with something else going on, maybe an ulterior motive under there somewhere. Then when JRM and wife are at MG”S family’s mansion (using that word is a bit of an understatement) guess what him and wife are going to reveal, after about 3-6 months she’s finally preggers and the evil grand mum, who really likes him, is overjoyed that she can be a “young grand mother”. I found the young grand mother statement pathetic because she definitely looked over 50, and she was a jerk so I’m going to add a few extra years for that. THEN while sharing that the nob-head wife is preggers guess who calls? Come on reader don’t toy with me, you know who it is right? The police, and eventually guess what happens to dear JRM he gets in trouble and the wife is married to a jailbird and will be a baby mama without a papa. So sad when things like this to happen to the rich wouldn’t you say…..(comment works better if you are saying before you eat a scone or a crumpet and are having tea).
I was looking up on IMDB about the movie so that I could properly name the people for you found out a few things:
1. firstly it’s a woody allen film, never would have thought that
2. the tagline = passion temptation obsession = CRAPPY for all 3, none of the characters really loved each other and the last two I guess I will let slide but they weren’t acted out well
3. Plot Outline: At a turning point in his life, a former tennis pro falls for a femme-fatal type who happens to be dating his friend and soon-to-be brother-in-law ( I would hardly call SJ a femme fatale just because she has promiscuous sex and is hated by MG’s mother, AND that she’s an aspiring actress)
4. Brian Cox (who has been in Braveheart, Troy and many more) was under cast, he was only MG’s father and he was good but I would have rather he make a better movie then this one, it shouldn’t go in his good books
Now I will leave you on a quote which was supposedly said at the front of the movie before everything all played out by none other then JRM’s character “The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a litte luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.”
Question time: Is life dependent on luck or is it what we make it?
I believe it’s what we make it from all the mess and toil we have to deal with on a daily basis. Luck is for if you win money in the lottery or at a casino, not something for life. For life, there’s co incidence but that’s not luck either. The fact that the ending lines relate to a ball kind of bother me too because it was JRM”S balls (literatlly) that got him into trouble and if he just stayed with his boring wife then none of this would have happened (it probably would have happened to his friend MG!!!!)
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