Thursday, December 7, 2006

And the ANTM winner of Cycle 6 is.........CARIDEE

So dear reader I will bring you up to date on my tv habits which are now none. I finally received the America’s Next Top Model Cycle 1 (with Adrianne Curry). I bought it because I hadn’t seen it and I love Adrianne Curry, ever since I saw her on the Surreal Life, where she met her now husband Christopher Knight (that’s right he’s a Brady). I even was so desperate that I found Adrianne Curry’s myspace account and I added her and I even subscribed to her blog. It was definitely her, I know that for sure because the writing was like how she would talk and there was real pics and stuff of her and chris and their wedding, their cat, the guy who was the dad Brady, etc. It’s quite amazing to see how far the ANTM has come since the very first season. Janice was a real stunner for the models because she delivered harsh criticisms and there was no padding on them whatsoever. I kinda wish they had someone like that on season 6, Twiggy is just too polite and she’s kinda wishy washy. She doesn’t make a strong decision and when you’re a judge on something like that you need to be up front and give the criticism because these girls are not going to get better unless you tell them. Most of them don’t know much about the modeling world and they need the assistance that her experience can offer. I don’t know if I mentioned this before but Tyra’s hair this cycle (6) was the most disastrous mop I have ever seen and it was always lopsided. Maybe there’s less brain in one side of her head???? I shouldn’t say that, well it might be true though, the area that holds the fashion sense and information is probably packed with stuff causing the lopsided head issues. Nigel Barker was amazing as usual, and what a sexy man he is. I must say that Jay Manuel has definitely transformed from cycle 1 to 6, but he’s quite sexy and it’s a shame he’s gay…. Miss J. Alexander still has amazing runway techniques and the girls all admit that he has the most beautiful legs and it’s true they are amazing. Well defined and structured and not too muscley, and for a man he can work a pair of heels like no other. So Cycle 6 what should I say. Well I was hoping that AJ would go farther then she did, but oh well and Megg had the same fate as AJ did, they were booted early on. They didn’t even to get a free trip to Spain. The people that are able to hang in are really able to rake in the riches because they get a paid vacation and get to work a little bit but not too much, there is a lot of down time between the tapings. The bottom 3 were Melrose (superficial bitch), Eugena (no personality whatsoever), and Caridee (the loose cannon as Twiggy kept saying). I will make it easy for you and tell you that it got narrowed down to Melrose and Caridee because Eugena got nabbed for having no personality, something she gained in the last 3 weeks but she didn’t convey emotion of her want to win well, hence she was nixed. So out of the two left who would you pick a fake, nasty bitch, would had a big nose and looked stranger or a perrson that is unpredictable, but has a sense of humour that’s amazing and looks good beauty-wise. Well as my picks got booted I started to become a part of the Caridee fan club. Her shots expressed emotion and conveyed beauty really well, and she didn’t crack under the pressure like her opponent Melrose. And the winner is….Caridee….Sorry Melrose you have to return to the hotel and pack your belongings and go home…to bad Tyra didn’t tell her that because I think Melrose would have hauled off and hit her but it would have made for good tv. I’m so happy that Caridee won, she truly deserved it although she did make a deal about the psoriasis thing but hey, every winner has their scars I guess.

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