Sunday, February 4, 2007

What's the Worst That Could Happen?

Dear reader, I think my house is as cold as the north pole right now. Yet again the oil company fuel tanker guy has forgotten to come to our house. I must say this is not the first time that this has happened either. When my dad called them to say “Hello, our oil tank is getting low” not too long ago, their response was “You have plenty from what our computer shows so you are good for another week or so”. YEAH RIGHT…. And now we are totally out of oil. Shows what they and their computers know. I’ve always thought that it was good to have paper and computer records that are identical in case of a malfunction or complete bugger up.

Next issue. I was washing my clothes so that I have them all fresh and ready for the week. Washed them just fine and then it gets to the point where I need to dry them. As usual my dad’s stuff is in the dryer for no particular reason just sitting there. I am in the process of taking the clothes out when BY TOTAL ACCIDENT I break the knob for the on switch to the dryer. I tried to jiggle it and riggle it so that it would just turn the bloody dryer on, and do you think I had any luck ………NADDA. So then I had to call my dad and tell him that he needed to fix the knobby so that I can get my clothes dryed since mum is coming for dinner tonight.

Next issue, this is silly though. I normally pluck my eyebrows at least once a week, preferably on Sunday because I don’t do anything or go anywhere. Well today I think I totally buggered them up. The arching eyebrow which is my right eyebrow, it looks amazing when I arch it but it’s too short now when it’s not doing anything. My left eyebrow, I don’t know what is up with it but it just doesn’t look right to me. I was lucky to get rid of all the underneath eyebrow hairs and I am free and clear in that area but they just don’t look right to me. I will put 2 pics up to see what you think.

I am kinda pissy because everything today is breaking or going wrong. Yes there are worst case scenarios but enough to create a handbook, oh my what have we come to. So the book clearly states what it is about but if you can’t read what it has tips on surviving they are as follows: runaway camels, UFO Abductions, High rise hotel fires and (of all things) Leeches. Wow and people actually have bought this book. Sad isn’t it.

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