Thursday, March 15, 2007

I have been's true!!! But you're back up to date!!

Dear Reader, I know that it has been quite some time since my last post, which I reckon, (that’s real hick talk… I apologize) that the Neil Crone interview was the last post. I hope you all really enjoyed that post, it was a pleasure working with Neil to create it. I have been waiting to follow it up with something really fabulous like an interview with another famous person but I put the quest on hold for a bit. After I finish writing this post I will make sure that I email someone regarding the quest and see if they would like to be the next candidate.

As usual I have been filling my time with watching movies, reading, working at Flawless and doing other things. Some movies I have watched in the last little while Borat, Silent Hill, Staying Alive, Almost Famous (I own it), Wedding Crashers (I have seen it before) and some other flicks that I can’t remember. Borat was funny but it’s funny in a silly kind of way. My mum found it stupid and would not watch the entire flick, she only saw about 20 minutes. I’ve watched it 1 ½ times, I still find it quite funny but where Borat gets his ideas I have no idea…they are really out there. Silent Hill was not that great but when Sean Bean appears it’s a totally different story (he’s a babe I must say). It’s a movie based from the game though and those can be iffy sometimes. Staying Alive, a movie also based on a game, not that great but it’s interesting how the characters die the way they die in the game they are playing. This is also the first movie appearance for Sophia Bush (used to be married to Chad Michael McMurray). I must say she plays a really dark character which is interesting to see when in comparison to her character on the tv sitcom One Tree Hill. Almost Famous is a fabulous movie, has a stellar cast which is ridden with stars, (it’s one of Kate Hudson’s first major films), the music is fabulous and it actually is one of the films that created one of my favourite songs for me. I love the part when they are on the bus and they have just picked up “Russell” from his night of “real-ness”, they start singing Tiny Dancer (by Elton John), definitely created the background for it being my favourite song. Wedding Crashers, a movie that is absolutely hilarious and is a starring role appearance for Isla Fisher, Borat’s wife when he is not in the character of Borat. I wonder usually after watching Wedding Crashers, whether is really people that go to various weddings just to have a good time. There must people that do that because where would they get the idea for the movie… although it could be one of these movies that have an idea and then people try to copy the movie. I’m not sure.

I finally finished Ron Jeremy’s biography THE HARDEST (WORKING) MAN IN SHOWBIZ. The book is one of the best biographies I have ever read. I love Ron Jeremy because I have watched his E Hollywood Stories bio and I loved him on the Surreal Life. He is a person that even though he is in the porn business he truly cares about the women he deals with and works with, he’s not a pig like some of the porn stars out there. I loved reading about him too because it’s not all about the porn business, Ron has made many guest appearances in movies and tv shows, and he is a very smart man, being he has a teaching degree. He even taught special ed. children for a while after he graduated school. His life is not ordinary at all, it’s very far from it, hence it was a wonderful read. I definitely suggest people read it, it was fabulous.

TV> The Hills. This week was definitely a shocker. Lauren told Heidi that she really doesn’t trust Spencer and that there are a lot of similar qualities between him and Jason (Lauren’s EX). Heidi gets really uncomfortable with Lauren’s honesty which put a wrench into their living arrangement. Lauren is just tired of seeing Spencer “up in the club” hitting on other girls when he is supposedly madly in love with Heidi. Brody tries to get Lauren to understand that she should just be happy for Spencer and Heidi, but it doesn’t work as planned. When Spencer tries to confront Lauren at the club it does not go over well and it makes things worse. Heidi sides with Spencer and is giving him love after the dispute with the person who is supposed to be her best friend. The episode ends with Lauren saying she tried to be honest with Heidi and say that Spencer is not good for her because she sees that he is going to hurt Heidi, she regrets that she told Heidi her true feelings about Spencer in the first place because it has made things into such an uncomfortable situation. Heidi ends up leaving… she packs her bag and she ends up going somewhere but no one knows where…my guess is she went to Spencer’s house.
TV> America’s Next Top Model. I love this show because it a slight insider view on how a model has to go through the makings to actually be a model. This bunch of girls is pretty good I would say, but the girl that was the strong support in the house just got sent home last night so I think that the house will turn into a giant rats nest because a few of the girls are not getting along. Diana, one of the plus size girls, she was on the chopping block but she was lucky the judges saw model potential in her and that it came through in her photos or she would be the one sent home. I have a feeling that Whitney, the other plus size girl is going to win though, she just has to relax and show emotion with her face better. It would be a good thing for plus size women all over if a plus size girl won ANTM. Last night was fun though because it was the makeover show and this group of girls did not fuss hardly at all which was really good. I hate seeing the makeovers and in the past the girls get all bratty and whiny and think they are being tortured when really all the makeovers do is make them look 300% better. The only girl that cried was Jael and she was upset because she was getting a weave put in and she had sat for 8 hours and then it was decided that she would look better without the weave because it just wasn’t suitable for her hair texture, so then she had to sit through getting it taken out. This season though, I don’t know whether Tyra is trying to reach out to her heritage by her style or what but she keeps wearing these head band type scarves and EWWW, they don’t look good at all. I think she needs to ditch that look for sure.

I have talked about a lot in this writing so I think I have pretty well filled you in on what is going on. I will do better at keeping up the blog-age. Love you dear reader!!!

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