Monday, September 15, 2008

New Beginnings and Quiet Endings

Dear Reader,

During the weekend I took my first aid and cpr course. I am officially a trained first aider and cpr person. I knew the person that was teaching the course, which was nice to see a familiar face. A couple things I noticed that I thought you should know. Whenever you are dealing with someone, ALWAYS put gloves on, doesn't matter if it's a baby, adult or whatever. This is for protection of yourself so that you do not get any diseases and such that may be transferred by mouth on mouth or skin on skin contact. Another piece of information, if you want to have the donut bandage in your first aid kit, be pro-active and make a few ahead of time. I personally found it very time consuming to make this bandage. I found the procedures for a when a baby is choking very harsh, but that's just the way it is I guess. So now being a knowledgeable first aider, I can now give riding lessons and know the correct procedures for what to do in case of emergency. Crossing my fingers, I hope that I never have to use them but I am ready just in case.

FRIDAY – My Grandmother Passed Away
Unfortunately, for my dad his mother passed away on Friday. She passed in her sleep so there was hopefully, no suffering. Towards the end of things, she was unable to recognize who my dad was. I did not have any contact with her so I am wishing she rests in peace and leaving it at that.

Last week in one of my groups, I was told to try and eat a LIVE fruit or vegetable everyday for 7 days. I have been very good and keeping track of what I eat so that I can tell the group of my progress. I must say that I feel a lot better and not only that, but I find I am not aching for a nap as much as I was before. I have tried to eat something different everyday so that I am broadening my tastebuds, and trying new things. I have made a significant change, all I have to do is keep it up!

I will admit that I use my email a lot and I do not have a problem with people who do. Since my parents are in the baby boomer age I have also learned that certain things are better done face to face. An incident occurred last night where I had two people tell me they were no longer riding at my barn. The sad part is that they both did it over the email. They had my home phone number so why not just call me.... These people are of my parents age so I don't understand why they don't use the face to face policy either. Mum said it could be because they are in the age of computers and that takes the job of having to tell someone something face to face away. I find it very sad that people find they can hide behind their computer screen and keyboard and just type a message and that be the end of it. Yes, I realize it would or will be harder to tell someone to their face or at least over the phone, but you took the high road, so KUDOS to you for doing so. Very rarely anymore do people take the high road, but for the few that do that makes us special. We are not apart of the faceless computer communication age.

At least these two fish are in a situation where if need be they can communicate face to face!

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

After a long time "out of commission", I'm finally where I ought to be, catching up on my best friend's blog.

First of all, I'm sorry for the passing of your Grandma. It sounds as though she went the best way possible. I hope your Dad is doing OK.

As far as face to face, I totally agree with you. I was reading about generations on Wikipedia the other day and we happen to fall into a very specific generation, called the Cold Y Generation - a very combination of generations X and Y that goes from 1981-1984. We have the technical age down pat, but we also have the benefit of having grown up in our early lives, learning how things were before the internet came along. (

I for one have always been much more of a fan of talking face to face, especially for important things. I wish that those people riding at your barn would have shown that respect to you. But you're right, it's easier sometimes and faster too to hide behind our screens. While I love my computer and would be lost without the net, I miss human interaction as it used to be. I hate calling somewhere and having to muddle through the automated voice system instead of just speaking to someone, especially when you're calling to solve something serious, like a problem with a bill or a Doctor's appointment.

Some of my favourite books are The Earth's Children series by Jean M. Auel - in short, books about a heroine living in the Ice Age. As much as she suffers, and as much as times were harder in many ways at that time, I often long to live back then, when things were simpler. You spent your days surviving - gathering food, hunting, storing up to survive the winter, and during the winter, you spent your time making things, beautiful bowls, carvings, clothes from the supplies you'd gathered. Sure, I like my HDTV and my high speed internet, but some days I'd trade it all in, in a heartbeat for the simplicity of a small community that relied on each other for survival without the complex hassles of the 21st Century...