I realize that I was supposed to write you yesterday but my writing mojo was not active, hence I am writing you today.
When you think of yourself, do you consider yourself perfect? It's not wrong to do so, it actually is a way of boosting your self esteem and confidence. For example, in my own little world I consider myself perfect, I do not project the cocky bastard attitude so that is what separates me from the egotistical people. I just carry that idea around with me in the back of my head. People that decide to degrade, bash my integrity and pride, this is my secret weapon and even though I may freak out on you for such mutterings/discussions, this is how I keep my sanity.
I would like to revive swear week this week because it not only helps get frustrations out but it is healthy to have a few swear words handy in your vocabulary.
I have had a thorough discussion with my mum this morn and she wanted to be mentioned in this post because she would like a little taste of the stardom I receive from you dear reader(s). In short, my mum is the sweetest, compassionate, caring person. She does at least one selfless act each day and she has grown and supported me on my moving out of the house(s) and living on my own. My mum is not only a mentor but a best friend and we share many a laugh together.
Mum and I are sick of people making promise after promise and not keeping their word. If the world was the way we conduct ourselves, which is keeping our word and being honest, their may not be so many flying assholes around. People make promises and never keep them, here's a few for example:
-I promise to fuck you (when really they are going to fuck you, just not in the correct area)
-I promise to converse more with you (if the person has been a shut in with their emotions forEver then don't expect this miracle to happen)
-I promise not to treat you so badly (this is complete and utter bunk-ola because if they have being doing it for long enough, old habits are hard to break, again, don't expect a miracle here)
-I promise to call you (yeah when someone says that don't ever trust them unless they are of the part of the population that my mum and I belong)
So many people do not realize that the break of a simple promise or even more valuable promise is a diss to their moral integrity and social standing. My mum and I pride ourselves on the fact that we are straight shooters, honest to the T, and not liars. When you break a promise usually a derivative of a lie is involved whether it be a fib, white lie, or the worst of them all, an out and out lie. When these derivatives are frequently used then one becomes labeled as a liar and rightly so. If you can't tell the truth and you can only tell lies, that is what you are so you FUCKED your own reputation.
In short, I try to impart the knowledge that in each of our own little brains we are perfect. If you tell yourself this everyday you will notice great improvements, I can attest to this because I have been doing it everyday for quite sometime. As long as you don't let the cocky bullshit come out, this is a safe practice and a good self esteem building exercise.
Try everyday this week to tell yourself that you are perfect, then report back here, if you like, and say how it made you feel and if you noticed any differences.
Have a good week my flock of PERFECT readers!
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