Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm Back!!!!!!!!

Dear Reader,
A long time it has been. I went on vacay to the Cayman Islands, which I now refer to as Paradise. So many things to see and do there. I wanted to try a lot of new things, ex. Various types of food, go around the shops, and mainly have fun. I was lucky to get a right hand drive automatic vehicle which I proudly named Civy, because he was a 4 banger Honda Civic. By the end of the trip I liked driving him so much that I would consider getting one for home but that's not going to happen. Food I tried was incredible for a picky eater such as myself. I tried Brazilian, Indian, various types of seafood, and a favourite restaurant that we frequented was Ala Kebab. For this I have my best friend to thank, if it weren't for her letting me stay with her and experience such great tastes and flavours, I could have very well lived on Pizza Hut and Burger King (by the ocean) for the duration of the trip. Memoirable moments include: the trip to the turtle farm, visiting Hell, meeting new people, dancing and partying like a rockstar, and last but not least getting to see my dear friend in her element living a lifestyle that would make most jealous. I will admit that Hell was a bit odd, and there was something about the karma that was exuded from the place, but it was a great sight to see just the same. The weather was completely and utterly incredible, it only rained the last day and the amount was equal to that of a light spit. I never thought or considered how safe I would feel on a Carribean Island, there have been some bad stories in the news as of recent but it was almost like being at home. Sure the stray dogs was upsettig because I love my canine friends a lot but that's just the way it is down there. I got another tattoo, which if you are a hardcore follower of my blog, you won't find that surprising at all. It's a palm tree with “CAYMAN 2009” underneath. I had to get it named and dated because it was my first big trip off the continent and I will always remember it now, no matter what. I can't see myself forgetting it though because it was fabu. Two observations that I made, one, the menthol cigarettes for women are called Vogues and they are very much like a skinny Popeye Candy Cigarette. I was a trooper and tried them several times but they were no comparison to my brand from home. Second, the island is party central. Everyone drinks, everyone mingles and dances, and mainly everyone is constantly aiming for a good time. Sure I met some guys that would be a bomb to do ANYTHING with but they were off limits for good reasons. The sad part is that the trip went by so fast, it was like I arrived and was just getting ready to leave. I left with my girlfriend singing to me the song LUCKY which I am constantly listening to here. A parting gift that I will never forget. A good time was had by all, and yet again I send a ginormous thank you out to my dear friend that let me stay with her and experience her fun and different lifestyle.
-over and out

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