I personally do not celebrate Easter. I know many of you out there do so enjoy your holiday. Eat good food, not over eat, just til you are full. Have a drink or whatever to celebrate with the fam, friends or even yourself.
If I did believe in the Easter bunny, would I write him a letter.....of course!
Dear Mr. Easter Bunny,
I don't know what your conditions are on granting wishes but I figure I have tried everyone else, (ie. Mother Nature, The Tooth Fairy, The 'Proverbial' God, even my parental units), so what's one more letter to someone with a special title.
Now, I'm not you're regular kid, adult actually but in someways I like to keep the kid status, so chocolate won't be necessary. There are some things of real importance that I was wondering if you could help me out with or direct me to the right person(s). I don't like the coloured eggs or the headbands with the bunny ears either, so don't pull a fast one and give me those instead. As I was saying I have a small list of things that might need some 'hop to it', if you will. I'm not going to be like a normal person either and ask for world peace, the end of hunger, or even the end of garbage production because well the people that I believe have the power to change such items are sitting on their duffers just watchin' it all go by. I am strictly going to ask for some stuff that will benefit me, only me, ok maybe someone else but it's still for my benefit.
1. If you could kindly alert Prince Charming to pop his head out of a freakin' hole and make himself comfortable in my apartment for me to have my way with him, that's a really good start.
2. Help me lose weight. I am working on it and giving it lots of effort, so the shedding of a few pounds would be nice!
3. Pay off all my credit card bills and any other bills. Yes, I incurred these while I was in the Cayman Islands and Las Vegas and it was damn fun, but having that hang over your head, well let's just say it doesn't give off a pleasant aura.
4. I wish for more wishes. It should have been more towards the beginning of the list, I realize that now but if you fulfill the 3 previous wishes I would be quite content.
5. I want to be a successful writer so please aid and abet this in any shape or form (only legal ways please). I understand that this is a tall order and it more has to do with my own achievements and goals but hey, can't blame me for trying the easy path!
Since I have already exceeded my quota of 3 wishes, and bumped it up to a nice 5, I should probably stop before I start rambling on about wanting: a mansion, a pool with jacuzzi, 7 different high end cars, independent wealth, and any bills or debts to be vanished/banished which ever you prefer.
Mr. Easter Bunny, I have been so kind to as give you the title as Mr. Before the “Easter Bunny” stuff as a sign of respect. I hope this comes through my letter as well. If not, I tried. (Can't believe every freakin' holiday character.) (ooops shouldn't have wrote that,
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