Thursday, August 13, 2009


When i look back on my life in 10 mins, 10 hours, or 10 years, I hope the most dominate memory is my parents telling me “You're going backwards.” I know they are trying to help and be supportive and all that good parent stuff but please that phrase is so freakin' negative. I want to say that if I hear it once more i'm going to turn into a frog, or a pumpkin but that would probably make things worse. My parents are great and i'm not saying they aren't, but doesn't there come a time when boundaries become the session of the hour and letting go is apart of it. Only children, like myself, can understand because let's face it we are all our parents have. There's no older/younger sibling to blame things on, no other children to divert the parents watchful eye. That's ok though because being only children we have learned things that others may not. We have learned to make the perfect puppy dog eyes so that everything is instantly forgiven. We know how to make a smile big enough so that we get that extra scoop of ice cream. We even know how to make a family holiday better by joking around and making an ass of ourselves because we would want to do that to another person, and we don't have a spare person to rely on.

I hear my parents, I really do. I'm getting the message in stereo. Alas, I will receive how I want to and even if that's not to your liking please just be thankful i didn't switch station as soon as your emergency message came on the air....I listened. I am starting to see how to jump that last hurdle of the race and start making headway, but i am going to do it in my own good time when i am ready. I want to make a small effort each day so that I can add them all up to one gi-normous act and all will be magically whisked away and trouble will now be set straight.

As Julia Child said when asked what she loved to do by her loving, husband Paul


And then i reach for my bowl of freshly chilled moose tracks ice cream, from the freezer!

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