Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Movie Review: AVATAR 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke
It started off with a glance. Meeting in random places and then smirking at each other. Flirting without words, just looks and smiles. Then he makes the move and introduces himself to her. He puts her on a pedestal and makes her feel like she is the only woman and that he truly loves her. Yet she doesn't know that there has been many women for him. It upsets her when she finds this out. Trying to make him jealous she makes out with another man infront of him but alas he is the one she truly wants and she moves back to him as if it is not without a second thought. He cooks for her, feeds her, dresses her and has the ultimate sexual control over her. At first she doesn't realize how powerful her carnal desires are but he teaches her to act on them and express herself better sexually. He makes her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He falls in love with her and that's what separates her from all the rest. His love for her scares him but he allows himself to show her his deepest feelings. A door opens that has been closed for a long time. Random acts of sex around the city make this a very exciting and tempting relationship. The way he looks at her is incredible. His eyes are melting everytime they are in the picture. You can't but look and stare at them when they are on the screen. The scene in her kitchen where he is feeding her is so erotic and delicious that how could you not want that to be you. I know i was craving a man to treat me like that and i still am. My hunt goes on but i guess i will have to live on through the movie and dream for my "John" to come and make me happy. To fulfill my sexual wants and desires no matter how crazy or simple they are. To make me feel like there is no one else. Someone who loves me for me, flaws and all. Erotic bliss at my fingertips if i want. Someone to bring out that carnal side of me, and accept my sexual expression. Someone that would be on my mind constantly and when i lick my lips i go to a special place that is sinful but so much fun and an exploration.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
He's Seeing the Problem, but what will he do about it....DAY 14!!!!!!
I know that today is my 14th day. I feel a lot better, i am more productive and my fam and friends see a huge change. I feel way better and i'm not coughing up as much crap as i was. Sure i still have moment where my lungs want to evacuate some crap but that's only reasonable considering how long i had been abusing them. The one thing i am finding common about people addicted to poppers is that they don't view pot as a drug they see it as nothing harmful, but with THC content in each batch being different and the middle getting their customers where they want them it is an addictive drug. I was lucky that i was able to see the light when i did or i would have lost a fair amount. My parents would never see me lose everything because what kind of parents would they be if that happened. I know that my bad habits led to a lot of rough times with relationships with people and it totally changed me as a person. I don't want that for my life. I want to be independent, attempt at being happy, and enjoy life instead of abusing it.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Season of Emotion + Popper Chronicles Announcement :(
At first i was worried about going. Hell, I even had a panic attack while driving down to the cottage, which is owned by my mum's boyfriend. Then i chose some good driving music and let all cares be released and i was just going to live out each moment that occured. No worrying anymore about the future or present, or how feelings could be hurt or whatever drama may come. After I got to the cottage and saw my mum and her smiling face i knew that i was going to be ok because she was going to be there for me if i needed anything: support, a hug, or just a smile. We carried in my stuff and i was immediately drawn to say hi to my nana. I have been of a bit of a weirdo and pulled back from her so i haven't seen her for what might seem like a eon. Hair done the same, nylons and slippers, and her classic pair of glasses perched on top of her head like a pair of cool shades. I said hi and then gave her a big hug that possessed emotions i didn't think i had were possible and then it flashed before my eyes what a jerk i had been and that i kinda miss having a nana. She was really good about it too, just acted like old times and that is was just like seeing me the day before. I was very impressed by her forgiveness. I can only imagine what type of strength that would have. I socialized with the bf and he was pretty cool too. (I had done the same to him. Yeah i know what's with me!) Mum was in the kitchen working away like she always done and making an old favourite of mine that had my taste buds watering hours after eating such a delicious meal. I assisted the bf with some computer stuff so that he has another piece of the world at his finger tips. Some people are so gracious when you are able to open another portal of the technological world to them. I'm used to it now so i can explore around at my will and do things, such as this blog. We watched a movie together... well i would say we watched about 3 mins of the movie together then everyone except me was in their own little naptime world. That's ok! I thought it was kind cute and family-like. Sleep was challenging and strange.
I woke up and made a pit stop at the bathroom before seeing anyone else. Good thing because i always wonder if i look like a decent morning person or a zombie looking type person. Went to the kitchen and mum and the bf were making coffee, and already starting another day of food heaven for me. Mum was even happier when i had saw her the day before, it's like every minute i was there my mum loved me more. It was a good feeling and one that i haven't felt for a logn time. We chittered chattered, and puttered around before and after breakfast. Simon, the cat, was our morning entertainment. (I love live entertainment!) We then decided to open presents to comply with christmas day family tradition. The gifts given and received were so thoughtful and interesting. That's something you can really learn about a person and how they are, is by the gifts they receive. Laughter was shared and silly faces were made while taking pictures of the days events started. Smiles and hugs were shared by all and it was yet again, another family moment. Then by the early afternoon i decided that i had better start making my trek back to the 'Bridge to be with dad for dinner and apparently he was going to 'whip my ass' at Scrabble. I thought that was very bold of him considering I am a lady of many words! Leaving was difficult because i just wanted to stay and enjoy some more familytime but I also didn't want to hurt my dad's feelings by not seeing him on christmas day. I asked mum to help me put my stuff in the truck for the ride home and that she did. She expressed how much she loved me and how important it was to her that i come up and spend some time with her. I love my mum dearly, and this moment really warmed my heart. Special, comes to mind and fits very well. Then i went home, had a nap and then went to the farm to spend some quality time with my dad on the farm. Before we helped each other with the food, we shared a big hug and the love felt in that hug was something i have never received from my dad as a parent. He's not emotional or understanding of his or other peoples feelings. But the hug felt like he was opening up to me and giving that genuine approval that i have been seeking for my entire life. Even though we hugged for a short period of time the moment passed slowly and was lovely to experience.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Get A Load Of This Guy!
"Please don't say that you like "any" or "all" types of music.. 'cause frankly that means that you have no taste.... Don't show me pictures of you in a bikini... please have some class.. don't put up a picture of your dog.. 'cause... i'm not interested in your dog... just 'cause you've been to paris or australia or jumped out of a plane or climbed some stupid mountain... it means nothing to me... 'cause i've probably been and done things your mind couldn't even dream of... be different"
So my response to his saying hello to me was:
Dear "x",
Thanks for the wonderful compliments.
I just read your profile and was surprised by how negative it sounded.
I'm sure you are a great person and all but it came off as kind of cocky. Maybe you have done things that I have never done which would be interesting to hear about but the profile that i read really doesn't make me want to pursue anything.
So anyway he calls me and starts giving me shit for being honest and telling me what a closed person i am. He starts grilling me, are you healthy? blah blah blah, and my response was well i don't want to be interrogated right now so.... Then i went into detail about the Cayman Islands because he is going there for a wedding. He was cocky, obnoxious and arrogant. He was dying to meet me tonight and see if we hit it off, but by the conversation we had i was just like "Who is this guy?" I like all types of music and i know that. I think it's nice when people put pictures up of their animals because that means they are so important to them. Yeah there are some people that have no class, well majority, but that's not my decision to bash them and make fun of them or be negative about them. This guy had it in his head that it was my lucky day to talk to him and that i should go to Cayman islands with him so that he doesn't have to get a tour guide, or another person he doesn't know. Come on dude, seriously, you just take random people on trips. I don't and i don't want to be a tour guide for someone with the likes of you. Someone who broadly states they have been around the world 5 times yet has never been to a beachy place! So is that really considered being around the world five times, you're missing some vital places...I think he over did it with the been around the world 5 times deal. When someone says that to me I think well they have visited every country or continent at least and at the young age of 32 which he was that's very impressive, but alas that was not the case. He has probably travelled to popular places and that is consider all around the world, not in my books though.
NOTE TO SELF- never give out my number to someone who thinks they are all that and a bag of chips when really they are a cocky ASSHOLE! It's not my lucky day to talk to you, the role is reversed! Now i sound like a cocky ASSHOLE, good thing i didn't go any further with this guy because i think it would have been clashing right from the start.
Day 10, Halfway through my 21 days!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Day 7, A full week complete + some FYI about Grow Ops
My voice is coming back gradually. I hope it's back in time for Christmas but i don't really care in someways.
My health is getting back to normal. I notice that the puking from stress has stopped and my guts are gradually getting better. I am learning that i like living on my own again. I don't have to worry about anyone else and I can do things around the apartment without having to ok it by someone.
I found this article in the Toronto Sun, December 18, 2009. It is written by Mindelle Jacobs. (Just some FYI information about Pot and Grow Ops)
The Conservative government and the Liberal-dominated Senate may find this a buzz kill but a drug expert says neither of their approaches to prosecuting pot producers makes sense.
Earlier this year, MPs passed a drug bill that included a mandatory minimum sentence of 6 months in jail for growing as few as five pot plants. Drug reform advocates slammed the legislation as draconian. Then the Senate began pruning the bill and just passed an amended version.
The re-written bill would spare pot growers an automatic jail term unless they're caught cultivating more than 200 plants. The Senate has now punted the legislation back to the House of Commons where it could be gutted and redrafted.
Meanwhile, pot producers will merrily continue running their grow-ops and raking in astronomical amounts of tax free money, people will continue smoking pot and getting cravings for the munchies and Canadians will continue wondering if all politicians are spaced out.
(In other words, are pot grow-ops a national priority compared to, say, joblessness, a floundering economy, a teetering healthcare system or how we're going to afford to repair our crumbling infrastructure?)
But if our politicians insist on focusing on pot grow-ops our laws should at least reflect the reality of marijuana cultivation.
That is, legislation should be based on the number of lights, not plants, says Darryl Plecas, director of the Centre for Criminal Justice Research at the University of the Fraser Valley.
One 1000 watt bulb will produce a pound of dried bud no matter how many plants you have, he explains. If one grower has one plant under one light, he'll produce one pound of pot. If he's got 16 plants under on light (the typical scenario), he'll still only end up with one pound of bud. The 16 plants won't grow as high.
Growers will simply adjust their cultivation patterns to reflect what's in the legislation, says Plecas. "The Senate could not have gone further to perpetuate the number and problem of grow operations."
Over the next couple of years, growers will just shift the way they operate- fewer plants but more lights, he explains. "Why would somebody need 200 plants?"
And more lights will mean more theft of electricity and an increasing likelihood of fires, says Plecas.
B.C. Criminology student and medical marijuana patient Brian Carlisle, who has helped Plecas with his research, began experimenting with plants and light several years ago.
He says he was shocked to find out that it didn't matter how many plants he grew. One bulb over six plants, for instance, produced the same amount of pot as one plant under one bulb. The number of lights, therefore, is the most accurate way to determine the production level of an indoor grow-op, says Carlisle.
"I think (politicians) are being fed incorrect information," he says.
Plecas says the legislation should have ignored the number of plants and set jail terms for more then 5 lights.
"Once you get beyond five lights... it's clearly more then can be consumed for personal use."
How times have changed. Remember when a Senate committee recommended that pot be legalized?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Day 3 = Complete and Successful
As the days go by, it is easier and easier to be clean and avoid the poppers and weed. Today will be my fourth day clean and as you can tell from my previous post it has been a tough day but i refuse to give into my addiction. I don't want to start over again and i need to let my body heal.
I got the results back from my chest xray and blood work and i am glad to say that i do NOT have pneumonia. I was worried that they would find cancer in my lungs from all the bad recreational habits i have been doing but I am a very lucky duck. Each day i am clean my parents are more proud of me and they are starting to trust me again. I feel bad for the stress and hectic-ness that i have caused in their lives but as they see me changing they realize how hard i am trying and making an effort. I hated and still hate the person the drugs turned me into. I feel like i have lost so much but then there is the journey of getting it all back and realizing what certain things and people actually mean in my life.
Day 4 is almost over and it has been a success too! Keep up the good work SARAH !
He's Gone
How can i feel like i failed? Well he came here to try and sort his life out but instead things just got worse and more out of control. He is on his own wave length and doesn't think anything for anyone but himself. Turning the problem around to make me the issue was his way of dealing with things. People could see how hurtful and awful he was treating me but i was blinded by the light for sure. I was the one to always say, Oh come on, he's not that bad give him a chance, when others could clearly see through his facade. I guess that says morew about how gullible i am then anything. I tried to help out of the goodness of my heart and it did nothing but hurt me and make me sick.
I have to keep telling myself that it is for the best. In reality it is for the best, and deep down I know that. It just really hurts right now. After all I went through for him to live at my house and then for him to treat me like garbage just makes me really sad. I was one of the few that kept constant faith in him and rooted for him when no one else would. I guess the lesson to be learned from this situation is that I have to learn to wait to trust people before i jump in with both feet. There was a reason why his mum kicked him out and he had nowhere to go. I took him in because i didn't want to see him homeless or stuck. In reality though, he made it quite clear to me that finding a place to live is easy. It's just a place to live. He forgets though that some houses have rules, even if there aren't many and rules need to be followed.
I have to remind myself that him living here when i am trying to go clean and straight is not feasible when he still wants to be doing drugs and so on. I have to focus on myself and get my life back together. I am worth something and I need to raise my bar so that I don't just accept anything anymore. I need to bring in the rationality factor and think twice before doing things.
Buck up dear Sarah! You can get through this... at least that's what i keep telling myself.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
DAY 2 = Clean and Sober! Working on Today, which is Day 3!
1. I was clean yesterday, so that is day 2 completed and i am working on being clean today so today will be day 3 with some success.
2. I googled The Popper Chronicles and my blog came up as the fourth choice on google. That means that my message is getting out there someway somehow. Very exciting.
Yesterday my roommate had a very stressful day. He is supposed to be going straight with me as well but i don't think he has the drive quite yet. He still wants to be able to party and do whatever is infront of him. Whether it be weed or other drugs that could interfere with his medications. Anyway, i picked him up after a meeting that i had and he said he had already done 2 poppers. He then said to me that he had enough for some more poppers and he proceeded to ask me if i was interested in doing some poppers with him. I thought about it for a minute, which went by like a flash i'm not going to lie. I thought to myself I have just started being clean and why would i want to set myself back to where i was, or have to start over again. So with all the strength and courage and positivity inside me, I said no thanks i'm on day 2 and I don't want to start again. I was very proud of myself for turning it down. It could have been so easy to say yes I will take those poppers with you but i know i made the right decision. I have been sick for about 2 months now which is ridiculous i know, but because i didn't care about my health or what the poppers were doing to me, it made me worse. Last night was the first night that I slept a full night and this morning i feel great. I had no hack attacks (coughing fits) and was able to get 11 hours of decent sleep. That's encouragement for me right there to keep winning the battle against my addiction. I am doing my best to not replace the poppers or the crave with smoking either. I find that i like the illusion of having a fake cigarette in my hand (which usually ends up being my tube of SoftLips, lip balm). A doctor once told me that people that smoke actually do deep breathing (a calm down technique) when they are having a smoke. So if you can get rid of the ciggy you are practicing a good technique that will help you in the long run. So i practice it with my lip chap as silly as it sounds. After i have a few fake hauls, i feel relaxed and totally different. It is common when quitting an addiction to replace the one you are quitting with something else, but if i can keep it up i am doing my body a huge service. I am saving my lungs, making my guts feel better, and in total it all adds up to me feeling better. What's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing and therefore i am going to keep the battle going and i plan and will WIN! How's that for positivity?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 1 = Completed, + My Story
Yeah so i have been clean one whole day, and yes it was hard yesterday i'm not going to lie. When everything was said and done i definitely could have used some 'bad' relief but i chose to sleep instead and get myself settled.
I also did some ground work for the popper chronicles. I found some people that might be interested in sharing their story about how poppers changed their life and they don't want to be addicted to weed at anymore. You may find the stories similar and maybe even repetitive but the point is to compare and show that most of us addicted to poppers are going through the same stuff, have meds that they interact with, and most of all want change.
With that said, i plan to inform those that don't know about poppers and what they can do to your life. How they will make you change, which happens to majority of us. I also want to be able to inform people that see themselves starting to get addicted to poppers so that they could see the outcome before they lose everything.
It wasn't until he said that reason he was asking how many poppers i did in a day and that he said he noticed a major change. I couldn't see what was happening because i was in my little drug fiend world and i was looking for my next high. There's a problem right there. I started to want to get high and then just stay in the apartment. Things that i was doing, I didn't want to do them anymore i would rather just stay at home and get high. I didn't want to see people unless they were getting high with me. Didn't want to leave the apartment for even the slightest of chores. I had no fuse, i was angry all the time, depressed and just felt like a bag of shit. People noticed a major change in especially my parents. We were constantly not getting along, i was lying to them. It was such a tangled web. Things still aren't perfect i'm not going to lie. I am edgy and upset sometimes when there really is no need to be. Yes i realize that i have only been clean for one day but it made me see things differently and feel differently. Constant pot usage can lead to many problems, including memory loss, confusion, there a bunch of bodily harm that it does, for example can lead to chronic bronchitis. I suffer from asthma and i didn't even care what was happening i just wanted to get high and escape all the problems that life was causing. I wanted to be numb because i didn't want to feel any emotions because i can't handle them. I completely stopped thinking about my mental and physical health and that's what was getting terribly damaged. I have been sick for at least 2 months now and i am just starting to get my voice back. My parents both noticed that i was much more clear and understandable and it's only been one day! Yes i am coughing up shit from my lungs but that's fine i don't mind, i would rather have it out then in.
Since i have completed one day, i feel that i can tackle today and be successful. I need to re-inforce my postivity so that i can do this, which each second i write this i feel i can achieve my goal even more. The power of the written word is incredible. So as usual, if you can take what you can from the popper chronicles and learn, and leave the rest that isn't important to you then please do. I encourage comments and suggestions!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Comments on Yesterday
There were lots of times that i was jones'in but i made it through. My roomy was very proud of me for making the first day a success. I still have no pot in the house so that's a good thing for me. I won't be tempted to try it when i get in a weak moment.
Last night was fun, the roomy and a friend and i went to a local pub and just had a few things to eat and just talked and laughed. It was really nice and it makes me feel better to know that i have the support from him while he's still here so that I can get through this.
Today might be a challenge but if i keep busy enough that won't be so bad. Just have to keep busy, whether it's writing, doing physical activity like cleaning one of the horses up or anything else but smoke pot then i can do it.
The positive train has made a stop at my station and it seems to be staying for a while so i will take this and use it as self-encouragement to stop! I'm working on day 2 today, lets hope i am successful, I will make the effort to be so that's the first part right there.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Popper Chronicles> makes its debut!
Hi, my name is Sarah, I am addicted to poppers. I want my life to change and go back to being a productive person instead of a lazy ass that doesn't want to do anything all day.
What is a popper you may ask:
Well a popper is a piece of tip from a cigarette with weed stomped on top of the popper stem. Then what you do is you stick the piece in the drop tube of your bong, light the end and get a poppin'. There is a head rush so becareful not to engage in any dangerous activity such as driving or tackling the CN tower stair case.
The problem:
-first of all we all know that i suffer from a variety of mental illnesses and i have health issues.
-i use the poppers to get away from life and just feel numb all the time
-i got addicted to them, always thinking of when my next 'sesh' was going to be
-with the mixture of tobacco and weed in a single bong hit creates a lifeless like feeling
The goal:
-to get off poppers and go back to living a productive life and wanting to do things
-better my health from getting off of poppers and back tracking on the damage they have done
-as of this moment in time and space i am going off poppers, my bongs have left the building and they are not coming back. I am going to replace popper time with cigarettes or some candies for my throat.
-i have a support system to help me get back on track and i am going to make use of it.
The Point of The Popper Chronicles:
-the popper chronicles is a venue i am going to use to inform people about this addictive way of using pot.
-i want people to give accounts on what they have gone through and how they came to their realization.
-by doing this i may help the masses who are addicted to poppers also.
-i am going to engage in abstinence from pot in the use of a popper and i am also going to blog that and tell people how i feel.
Today was the day that i noticed i needed to make a drastic change. Things with the roomy weren't going very well and since he is getting back seeing this girl he is in love with i got jealous and upset. I wrote about it constantly just trying to get it out of my head, sadly there was no reprieve from them. I was worried that i was going to lose my room mate, things would be different in a variety of ways and more importantly i was worried that i was going to lose a friend. Sure i have feelings for him but they should not have gotten past a certain point and with me being confused about my life i allowed them to. I've let family, friends, and myself down, but now is a chance to redeem myself because i can change and have the power to do. I am not going to lie but i am going to say that i am afraid to quit, because i'm not sure how i am going to manage or whatever. It makes me anxious to think what a day without poppers would be like but then my roomy pointed out that things are way better when there are no poppers during the day. You want to do more things and actually leave your house and do adventures. I am jones-in' right now but i will also say that i am going to curb the popper crave with a drag from a cigarette and then go do some christmas baking which i need to get a start on. I have so many chores that i have to get done and i've been putting them off each day as much as i can. I want the will to do things back again. I WANT TO GET BETTER.
*there will be more coming from The Popper Chronicles, no worries, this is a serious thing that people need to be informed about.*
so i have an issue with this......
it appears he wants the bitchy barbie doll that barfs up her lunch. he wants the instability and frustration that was strong once before.
i shouldn't have done what i did. As much as i enjoyed it, it really was just the wrong thing to do. I care too much and it's killing me.
maybe he wants to go back to the way things were, where he didn't know me and i was nothing to him. maybe that's what i want. but then on the other hand i want him still around but i know that being with her will change him once again and that my snow globe of a world will be shattered once again. i wanted to see him happy, and i thought that he is happy with me. not so though.
i feel used right now. sad. depressed. awful. and a bunch of other things.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Paging all readers - Winter has arrived.... Today!
My roomy lays in his bed curled up with a favourite pillow that has been helping him sleep better. His head peacefully lying on the pillow, while his body is wrapped tightly in the duvet. Abby rests at his feet because she is obsessed with him. Zoe is nestled into her blanket on the deck of her condo apartment. It's like she is in the tropics, and she is enjoying the heat and loving the sun. None of that is provided though at my house, only i get to vacay to the tropics and see my best friend in the whole wide world. I get to escape for a short period of time and live on paradise island, or that's what it should be called. The only light in the apartment is what is coming from the windows, and of course my computer screen! At the end of the hall a door is slightly perched open, I wonder what lies behind it.... what do you think?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
uh...... about that......
i am in a situation where i don't want to be. The stress from having my 'roomy' is causing me to be sick. i am already sick and cannot get better because of the stress causing me problems. leaving the house is a challenge lately because i feel that terrible. i would mostly like to relax, have a massage and go to sleep. maybe i can sleep away my troubles! anyway, so since my roomy is a good cause of me being sick mum wants this person out now. The faster they are out the sooner i can start getting better.
how do you tell a person to leave? you can't just be like, "So the weather is grey today but you know you need your stuff out in the next 2 hours....."
if i am going to do this i need courage...
why am i having such reasonable doubts about doing so, this is not good either...
what would you do, in this situation?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
He's A Pain in the ass.... I'm looking for this.......
i need help, i am starting to not like living with someone
i go to bed fairly early as of late, but sometimes if i do it the dishes are done and clean. Everything is drying on the rack and sparkling. I usually like to make sure my kitchen is like that on the most, before i go to bed. Sure, there are times when i can't be bothered the dishes. Yesterday morning though, I did the dishes and the kitchen looked amazing. Then, he came home and made lunch and there hasn't been a dish done since. Now, it is the next day and my kitchen is disgusting, i just might put on the mits and clean the dishes. Can't stand it sometimes.
the next issue which i don't like is simple. Ask before you bring anyone over? And please don't bring people over that i have told you repeatedly not to. Well last night was a topper, he brought over someone that is not to be here and then let them stay over! hello, paging mr rude boy. Yeah we may have fucked but you don't get to start being like my boyfriend and inviting people over just because they are your friends. You live on my turf and there are certain things that i like to keep the way they are. He has not said that sexual repayment is on the table so yes there are still some things he has to obey, or he can ..............leave?
Since when did the younger generations get so rude. They don't care about anything they do to anyone. They expect everything on a silver platter. Moody just 'cause. The people that are my age are very rarely like that. We are pretty much a generation of hard workers, who believe chivalry is not dead, oh yeah we have kids before 3o, sometimes more then one. I haven't quite yet completed the last point but i am 26... that's 4 more years but i also have a burning desire to not have kids in my 20's at all.
-a guy that can fulfill a extremely sexual woman
-a guy who can cook, for when i don't want to
-a guy who loves me for me, flaws and all
-a guy who likes cats, b/c i have 2
-a guy who is calm, but likes to randomly have an outburst of laughter
-a guy who is mature, age is not an issue, it's maturity level
-a guy who likes to cuddle when watching a movie
-a guy who likes to randomly go out for dinner at interesting places
-a guy who can be emotional when necessary but not over the top, so i don't want any emotional baggage added to my life, already have a set of my own
-a guy who gives the type of hug that makes me melt like a popsicle on a hot day
-a guy who advances on a girl at random times, i don't want to have to be doing all the work by myself
*there are other statements that follow but i am not going to write them because if you fit all the first statements then we might have a good chance! so you move onto the next round!
Friday, December 4, 2009
a bland variation of everything and a small dash of rant
Today, gee, lets talk about today.
I have done some cleaning up, dishes, etc. Had some lunch and took my bronchitis medication.
Yesterday I had a doctor appointment with my family dr. I had created a list that I wanted to talk to her about. There were 6 issues on the list. When she came in she made a fuss about my lack of a voice and then checked my chest and came to the conclusion that i have bronchitis. I wanted to talk to her about how stress is affecting my body, acid reflux problems and renew a puffer. She renewed the puffer and automatically prescribed stronger medication for my acid reflux. Also, she made a point about me making another appointment to come back to check my chest to see if i need a chest x-ray. Then as soon as i think about getting a chest x-ray i think i am going to end up getting told i have lung cancer because i smoke a lot. That isn't running through my mind all the time but a good portion it is.
I was really disappointed how my doctor was late for my appointment and then could hardly spend 2 mins with me. I told the receptionist when i was booking my appointment that i had issues that i wanted to talk to my doctor about and that there was a variety not just one thing. Yes, that's fine. Then at my appointment, I am made to feel like a inconvenience. Gee that's appropriate.....NOT!
I was talking to my mum about this incident and the fact that i was really disappointed with my doctor and her performance. Mum informed me that's all appointments are like now. The doctor doesn't want to take the time and talk to you they want you in and out asap so they get whatever pay-grade for your appointment even though it's only 2 mins and is supposed to be 10-15. I get it they are trying to scam the government to get as any appointments in the day as possible, because there is a fee for each one and depending on what happens they can charge you differently.
Government provided healthcare is supposed to be a perk here in the country of Canada. When doctors do what they can to beat the system and are still getting drug endorsement bonuses, is that really what it should be about. Doctors need to improve their bedside manor and compassion issues with their clients. My doctor has been very good until this appointment in which i am referring to. I just thought she was different then the average bad doctor you hear about. I will have to report back next week so that I can tell you whether or not it's the same bad behaviour or she gets a one time freebie. Healthcare has really got a ton of improvements to make, too bad no one really bitches about it enough to get any response.\
Next topic.... I am in love with marilyn monroe and her beauty. What i would do to meet her if she was still alive. She was a true beauty, not just one of those twiggy, skinny type girls that are so popular now. Her sassiness is what really does it for me. Her looks and expressions are price-less, some that are known as historical even.
So i was prescribed some horse pills for my bronchitis, which i assure you is not contagious. I was told to take it with food, so it was suggested that i take it with dinner since it is the biggest meal of the day. Lately though, i haven't been hungry a lot. I just don't have the desire to eat. Sometimes i get cravings for things but it's not like i will eat a huge amount and feel sick. I just don't have a desire or will to eat which i have to say i find a little bit creepy because I love food and i love a variety of foods. Tastes and flavours, shapes and colours. It's all an experience every time you eat. I miss my want for food but this may help me with losing weight because i might eat 4 small meals rather then 2-3 big meals. That's what the diet books say is more frequent and smaller meals are better for you. Since i was sick, originally i lost 20 pounds, can't blame me i was puking and shitting it up and out so of course i wasn't going to gain any weight. I have weighed myself a few times and i am still around the original weight when i lost the 20 lbs though so that's good. Just have to keep it here or lower would still be nice. I need to exercise and tone more though. Hopefully i am not one of those unlucky people who have extra skin or saggy skin. I do have some extra baggage on my body that i would like to get rid of though. I will keep trying as best i can. I am surprised that i have done so well, so maybe there are bonuses to being and getting sick........... Still doesn't feel very nice though!
At one point i was getting jealous of my roommate for talking to another girl but i am not today. I just don't care today. I might tomorrow, who knows. Yes i did stuff with my room mate. It was interesting and something that i would consider a good thing but he may not. I don't have the dream body and all that but i am a nice person and i have other skills, wink wink, spank spank! I am proud that i have some skills those are a little asset! Too bad i don't have a man servant that could fulfill all my needs and wants. Sounds like a paradise! A nice, crisp, warm paradise. Damn, my brain is going to a totally different place now. Maybe i should go chill out in the bedroom, maybe have a nap or something although i don't think that is something that is going to happen. I have no idea why?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I have done my morning pop so i feel fab right now.
My roommate lays in his bed fast asleep. I sit at my comp typing quitely away. He's rolling over it may be too early to be making a post. Oh well, this is my house, I can do whatever i please....right?
It has rained all last night and this morning.... boo! Another boo thing is i have to visit my dr today to see about a few things. I am still voiceless which is a concern for a few people. Honestly though it makes learning sign language seem more practical everyday! Have to start looking into that, i may have a connection that i might be able to use.
I got some christmas ideas started and going. Just have to put a few more into motion. Christmas won't be so bad this year. Just wait til my Betty Crocker identity comes back! Yum yums for every one.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
december 1st .........arghhhh
Ask me how i feel today?
Well, a good mixture of anger, confusion, blah, meh, and then there's my brain running thoughts constantly through my head.
I have a 'room mate' now. He's a sort of 'friend' and I couldn't see him go out with nowhere to go. Some, well most, think that i am being taken advantage of. I might be, I might not be. I don't really know what to say. One thing that happened 2 days a go is i had sex with him. I was impressed to a certain extent. Some things he needs to brush up on or 'learn'. It was kinda like porn sex what we had, there were a few change positions. I will admit that it was pretty hot though. It was random, it was a good demonstration of sexuality. We have been living in my apartment for 2 weeks and we had both thought about it and then we just decided that it was something we should try. I'm not going to go into anymore detail because some people might get offended and i would just rather not.
My mum went and had a talk with her therapist yesterday. She had a lot to talk about. Understandly, she finds my situation not good and she's just watching out for me like any good parent would do. She's concerned, she cares, she has gotten a negative read on the person staying with me and sometimes i really believe she is right. It's taken her a while to get to read people and the odd one will slip by the odd time but she's a good spotter in my life!
Things with my dad are weird. I don't want to say anything that will upset him or trigger him to have a tantrum but there's not really much to talk about. I am being honest with both my parents though and i feel a bit better. I'm not hiding or skirting around something if they ask i just tell them the truth. They are allowed to have their feelings just like any other person would have, but they have to realize that i am telling them the truth. Sometimes the truth is not pretty but it's the truth, things are just what they are. I don't know how to resolve the situation or tackle it. In a way i want it to be dealt with but i don't want to go through the upset it will cause .
I sit here at my laptop station writing to you while he plays the newest call of duty game. I chipped half the money because “i would like it and be able to play it”, haven't done that once and don't really care to play it. It's not my style. So as i writed this to you my brain is saying, man he's got it easy. Play games all day, eat, and whatever else. He doesn't pay for anything because he has no job, and i understand what that's like but there are some links he has to a possible job and he's just not following it. I wish i could get a job right now but several people say that i am too stressed and not physically and mentally able for a job. I would like to do something.............really..............please? The bonus of having some income and money of my own would also be a bonus. Then I wouldn't have to be so reliant on the mom and pop shop for monetary contributions.
Today is a hazy brain day. Things are running too fast and i am just stuck on the medium setting for the day. I need to start letting some things come out. I need to write more again. I need to vent to an audience, whether you comment or not, i know i have some followers. I appreciate all that you have done to stick with me through this long time of on and off posts. I know what it's like when you are following something and all you get is the same shit that you have already read 400 times. I need to get my act together, you are a silent audience, but i can still vent my stuff to you and feel better.
Like now, for example, i feel a little less stressed for the next 2 mins! And i'm going out for a smoke so that's another 2 mins!