Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DAY 2 = Clean and Sober! Working on Today, which is Day 3!

I have some great news for those of you following the popper chronicles:

1. I was clean yesterday, so that is day 2 completed and i am working on being clean today so today will be day 3 with some success.

2. I googled The Popper Chronicles and my blog came up as the fourth choice on google. That means that my message is getting out there someway somehow. Very exciting.


Yesterday my roommate had a very stressful day. He is supposed to be going straight with me as well but i don't think he has the drive quite yet. He still wants to be able to party and do whatever is infront of him. Whether it be weed or other drugs that could interfere with his medications. Anyway, i picked him up after a meeting that i had and he said he had already done 2 poppers. He then said to me that he had enough for some more poppers and he proceeded to ask me if i was interested in doing some poppers with him. I thought about it for a minute, which went by like a flash i'm not going to lie. I thought to myself I have just started being clean and why would i want to set myself back to where i was, or have to start over again. So with all the strength and courage and positivity inside me, I said no thanks i'm on day 2 and I don't want to start again. I was very proud of myself for turning it down. It could have been so easy to say yes I will take those poppers with you but i know i made the right decision. I have been sick for about 2 months now which is ridiculous i know, but because i didn't care about my health or what the poppers were doing to me, it made me worse. Last night was the first night that I slept a full night and this morning i feel great. I had no hack attacks (coughing fits) and was able to get 11 hours of decent sleep. That's encouragement for me right there to keep winning the battle against my addiction. I am doing my best to not replace the poppers or the crave with smoking either. I find that i like the illusion of having a fake cigarette in my hand (which usually ends up being my tube of SoftLips, lip balm). A doctor once told me that people that smoke actually do deep breathing (a calm down technique) when they are having a smoke. So if you can get rid of the ciggy you are practicing a good technique that will help you in the long run. So i practice it with my lip chap as silly as it sounds. After i have a few fake hauls, i feel relaxed and totally different. It is common when quitting an addiction to replace the one you are quitting with something else, but if i can keep it up i am doing my body a huge service. I am saving my lungs, making my guts feel better, and in total it all adds up to me feeling better. What's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing and therefore i am going to keep the battle going and i plan and will WIN! How's that for positivity?

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