I must say i don't know why i haven't done this sooner it's so pleasant....anyway on to the blog post.
So as we know i work in a daycare. I really enjoy my job because i get to be around kids and see some of the amazing things that they do. Kids have their own personality, whether it be creative, active or both. They say some of the weirdest things. Since I work with 2-3 year olds specifically, they are at the perfect age where they are learning lots and not really sassy. There are some that are sassy but not as much as you would see from kids that are older. So a co-worker posted this link on her facebook and it was something i couldn't resist looking at. It's for a book called Go the F**k to Sleep. Since the Day Nurseries Act says that the kids have to be on their bed for 1 hour per day it's truly fitting. Some kids aren't used to having naps but the usually get accustomed to our ways and they end up having a rest and the day starts in the afternoon all fresh and new. Please listen to this clip from YouTube, and try not to laugh too hard.
I work with a lot of women which i have tried to do before and can i just say, having that many cats in the same bag is not condusive for keeping your sanity. Somebody is always scratching at another or there is a constant growl that lingers between certain people. I work with someone right now and i hate to say it but she has lost her passion. She's almost like Lynn Crawford on Pitchin' In, but with a more nasty attitude and demeanor. I used to work well with her but then i started noticing changes in her personality and work. (Now i want to state for the record that i am considered below her in the chain of command but i am still considered a real staff and my bosses say 'an asset to the daycare'.) This particular staff: favouritizes children (and if you aren't her favourite that sucks to be you!), she is forceful with kids and just not nice. I am unsure as to what i am to do about the situation for now i am just keeping track of things that i think are totally inappropriate. This makes me think about it though, you should never do stuff that you are not comfortable to back up because somebody could be watching. I never do anything at daycare that i would not be able to say this is why i did this. I try to keep with the protocol and rules and i also realize that if i don't i will get in trouble (and rightfully so!). I guess the main reason i am writing this is to partially get it off my chest. It makes it hard to go to work when a certain person is always delegating and being bossy and nasty when it's not their job. You readers listen and i can say anything that i need to you, wholeheartedly and with peace of mind. Now in every work area there is going to be a couple of bad eggs intertwined with some decent people. I have a couple of people who i work with that vouch for me and i can talk to them. I am shouting out to the them and saying thanks for being there.
Books. I LOVE BOOKS. They come in various shapes and sizes and carry literary goodness. Some like fact and other fiction. Biographic tales that inform us of people and their lives or troubles. Culinary adventures that give readers a true 'Taste' of the art. Educational excursions that take you to foreign lands within the comfortable realm of your home. Classics that reign true in our hearts and our minds. If you click at the bottom where my reading collection is you will find some truly wonderful books that should be read as well as were a pleasure to read.
Garlic and Sapphires – Ruth Reichl
Prisoner of Birth – Jeffery Archer
Kane and Abel – Jeffery Archer
Memoirs of a Geisha -
The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry -
Serve the People -
Steve and Me – Terry Irwin
Water for Elephants – Sara Gruen
Those are just to name a few but you will find many others in that list.
Well i have written a little bit. I hope to write to you again on the weekend!
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