My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I found this book incredibly interesting and couldn't put it down. The best thing about this book was that it was written by someone that is a high-functioning sociopath and she is not a criminal. Millions of times I have seen books written about or by people that are considered sociopaths but are criminals. This was the first I had seen the broke the mold, so being interested in learning about such topics, I dove right into this book. I liked how the author directed you to visit her website to see how sociopaths and others interact. The website is I was able to browse around a bit and get a feel for what the author was talking about how people completely condemn and judge those that are sociopaths. The conclusion I came to from reading this book was: all people have some little quality or varying degrees of traits that would/could be related to sociopaths. So before people start judging they need to learn all the facts and take into account people's lifestyles and upbringing. There are so many factors related to the subject that to just lay a blanket statement over everything is really under-estimating people and their abilities. This book got me to think about and view things differently as well as slightly get a look as to how a person, that is considered a sociopath, deals with various tasks and things in everyday life. A very eye opening experience reading this book, but it was all worth it :)
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