Friday, August 31, 2018

Patch Adams

Patch Adams (1998) Drama/ Comedy 10/10

This movie warms the heart in so many ways, gives you lots of laughs and has you go through the emotion spectrum. The cast has a few big names but not being a total barrage of famous actors is another reason that this film excels. Robin Williams is of course the title role of Patch Adams, a gentleman who wants to use his positive attitude and bedside manner to improve the American Healthcare system. When thinking about this, a person may be distraught because most health systems are a mess but not only that the doctors often lack compassion and the ability to relate. Patch starts with the HELLO experiment to prove to a fellow classmate that there is a way to reach people. Patch takes on many other ways of connecting to people, ie. When a doctor is giving the run down on a patient, they often say “The Patient”. Patch makes the effort to find out what the patient's name is and the other residents are astounded (and afraid of the forsaken happening of 'transference'). Patch goes the extra mile to make people's final wishes come true so they can pass with a calm mind and heart. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and he can cite all the medical facts on its benefits. When you see at the beginning of the movie that it is based on a true story it makes you feel good to know that there is someone watching out for the sick/old/under privileged and whatever other categories there may be. This is another fine example of Robin Williams doing what he does best, acting, but I secretly believed when he was filming that it was more than just acting to him. When Williams takes on a role, he is an actor that truly embraces everything about the character, whether it's flaws, habits, oddities or what have you. He wants to give the audience an authentic and heart felt experience and this movie is right in his wheel house.

Note – the movie is based on a true story and Patch Adams is a real doctor that created the Gesundheit institute in West Virginia to venture on the journey to change the American Health Care system. Here is the link to his website and you can find all sorts of information and interesting things that Patch has done.

Patch Adams Trailer

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