Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stupid walking group...... I did this to myself though!

I've been up since 7 am.

I said that i would join the walking group that i sometimes participate in at a walk around a local place at 830 am.

Why did i do this? Well the answer is simple and two fold: it gets me out of the house and secondly, i am exercising as much as i can before i go to the Cayman islands, which is happening in 28 days. Was talking with my best friend down in the KY, and we were discussing all the fun things that we want to do. I'm very excited to see her and there is a bunch of gifts i have for her from Christmas and just 'cause so...... Can't wait to see her smiling face when i get off the plane. Then the fun truly begins and it's just like old times!

I have been living the single life lately, which isn't so bad now, but was lonely when i first kicked my roommate out. He's only made one appearance in my life which is interesting. He brought someone with him to pick up his mail. I didn't invite him into the apartment just gave him his stuff and then he left. He owes me a lot of money but since he doesn't like me i may not see that money. I think that's very irresponsible if he does that but it wouldn't be un-ordinary for him since his morals and values are few and far between. I don't want to sound like i am continually bashing him because that would give you the impression that i still think about him being in my life and wanting him in my life. I have notes posted around the apt. to remind me that he is not a good friend. He will come around when he wants something I'm sure, or at least that's what a dear friend said to me.

So, after scuffing my face in the apt. against the wall, i am left with a cut above my eye, just under the eyebrow, that if anything bothers it, it bleeds. Bleed sesh's are getting less frequent which is good but i hope this damn thing will heal so i don't look like a retard anymore. Certain people that i have seen quite a fair bit have even mentioned it and how bad it looks, my response is it feels worse but i'm lucky.

Time to go put my long johns on and dress warmly so that i don't freeze while walking. Knowing my luck it will be a frigid day and i will wear the Lj's for the whole day. That's alright though, it's all about comfort right!

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