Thursday, March 12, 2015

How Evan Broke His Head and Other Stories

How Evan Broke His Head and Other SecretsHow Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets by Garth Stein
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If there is one thing that Garth Stein can do it's WRITE. His first book was a complete hit and in my collection of re-reads. This book although it does not make the re-reads list it does make you more informed about the world of epilepsy and the choices a caring and concerned brother makes so that his younger brother doesn't have to suffer through a particular situation in their childhood. Along the way there are many choices that Evan has made that have put dampers on his life or made his life harder. There have also been choices that he had no idea would come back and stare him in the face... literally. The thing about Evan is that he is a great character but a very unpredictable character, you are always unsure what choice he is going to make and the reasoning he is going to have behind that choice. The one thing that Evan does guarantee is a blunt sense of humour which really just puts things into perspective. The book was also an interesting look at the music scene and what it's like to be an aspiring guitarist in a band full of people with little to no talent.

This book is totally different compared to The Art of Racing in the Rain but it's also nice that it is different because it means that Stein can write a variety of good things. Here here to that

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