Wednesday, December 31, 2008



I am officially putting myself up for auction. Any funds generated will be put to a good cause which is undecided at this moment.

Bidding starts at whatever the first person may place.

What the winning bidder is entitled to:

Nights of passion. Comfort and cuddling. Good food. Companionship. An activity partner. Endless nights of dancing and partying til the break of dawn.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What the...........

Dear Reader,

I am always amazed at the number of groups that appear and exist on Facebook. I can understand finding your highschool buddies or even being a fan of a band, but these Facebook pages that are petitions....come on. I can believe that people will sign up to be apart of a particular group, which essentially just gets added to your Facebook status. People can learn more about you by the groups your in then by talking with you. The page that sparked this tiny rant was Stop Live Skinning of Animals in China. The person that created this page believes that every person on it is allowing him/her to use their signature. I'm sorry but on Facebook, your little picture identity card doesn't count as a signature. Nothing really counts as a signature unless you sign something, or sign something and make a pdf of your signature to attach to documents. While the creator of this group really has a good agenda their logic leaves me screwing up my face and looking up in wonder. The scariest tid bit of information is that 587,309 members belong to this group and I'm sure more will come and 'sign up'. It's only 2:07 am in the morning and they are 'rallying' for a good cause, but valid petitioning on Facebook....sorry I don't think so.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Still Waiting for Ya Prince Charming......

Dear Reader,

So i was talking with a guy on Sunday and it was very odd how things just clicked. We were finishing each others sentences and feeling the same emotions towards each other. For a moment, ok 2 hours, I thought I had found my prince charming.This guy was really something special, said all the right things, knew how to make a girl feel good.

Then my feelings started to change..... I started to analyze the situation and how we communicated.... I came to the realization that this gentleman was not the one for me.
It was hard. I thought about him a lot. I'd been single for a while so maybe I thought my time had come.

Nope....sorry....try the next stop.
When we spoke the conversation was very intellectual. I get excited when a person wants to have a stimulating (not in the wrong way, ok that would be nice, but i'm thinking the way of making your brain muscle do a bit of work) conversation. I'm a sucker for it. I feed off it sometimes. There was something about how this guy talked to me though. It was more of a talk at you type of style or what i would call preachy. Always checking to make sure i was not bothering him. Very polite, but too polite in a repititive type of way. Monday went by and then Tuesday went by. He called both days and we had only just started talking on Sunday. I felt like this person was checking up on me, or checking in with me. I thought for only talking one, now two days he is calling me all the time, this can't be right. I was strong enough to tell him over the phone that I really did not want to continue conversation with him in hopes of leading to a relationship because I didn't like the way he talked to me. If i talk to a person i want them to be my equal, no more no less. I don't want to tell them my life story and lessons that i have learned the hard way in a mere 2 hour conversation.

So then since i told this fellow that there was no real chance of us getting together it has had me thinking about how i act and treat guys that i am interested in. I more or less jump in with two feet right from the start, for a guy that has to be a scary thing because this person doesn't even know you. I know that's how i felt. It's like the person is asking for a commitment before there is need for one. I also like to be forward with guys, if i like them, i tell them. I make it known that you are the apple of my eye. This too has to be scary for guys because most of the ones i like are either: too young, already taken, or simply not interested in me in anyway. This experience has made me see things from a different view. I am re-thinking my stalker-ish ways and forward approaches. I think subtly is what i need to be. I need to wait for prince charming to show up on his steed and whisk me away. In all this self-recognition i have learned that men don't like being treated like a piece of meat, things will happen when they are ready and until then it is self discovery time.

So out I pull my magnifying glass to examine what I can of myself....and eventually others!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Literary Treat

Dear Reader,

I have left you a little literary treat on my blog tonight. This piece is new, yet quite powerful. I want to leave with you a saying that is repeating in my head right now : Behind each raw emotion is a very powerful story.

Unspoken Passion
By Sarah Gall

Skin like ice. Eyes of golden honey. Lips the colour of the red rose.

I hear a song and think of you. My eyes well with tears because it's a love that I do not possess. If I did possess it I would wear it like a medal, proudly around my neck. I want to have and to hold. I want all a special kind of love encompasses.

Something always brings me back to you.

What it is I may never know. I should have said all I needed but captivated in your love I couldn't. Caught in the glare of your foreign eyes. Pain is not an answer nor an object. What I want is you. I want to envelope you in my arms like a wool throw. I want to warm that iced skin of yours. I want to softly kiss those plush lips that are dying for a taste. To hear your breath in my ear and warming the back of my neck. To dance both physically and mentally.

Tears of gold stream down my face. Your image is engrained in my brain and your love in my heart. To be with you is a wish, a dream, a fantasy. You know that we have something that could never be spoken about. Maybe that's what makes it so special. No one would dare to understand how I could love someone like you.

Worlds, years, families, may keep us apart, but you see like I do, that we are meant to be together, forever. To place a time limit on something so fragile would be foolish. Forever is a long time but maybe not long enough.

To have you here my long lost love. To possess your mind, body and soul. To be loved because I am different and special. Never, could I forget a feeling like this.

You're on to me. Onto my ideas. To where my heart really is.

Monday, November 24, 2008

WRIT 2900 comes to an end...

Dear Reader,
I am coming to the end of another writing course. WRIT 2900 is taught by James Dewar and Sue Reynolds. Now these two are not your average joe writers. They have knowledge that amounts to thousands of books and experience coming out the ying yang. I have had the pleasure of being a student of theirs once again. I have learned so much: poetry, point of view, narrative structure, are to name a few. A couple of friends took the course with me and each of us have blossomed into our own special writer known for a particular style and edge. Another asset we have developed from being in the course is ways to tone down or enhance that voice of ours that makes us so unique. So I urge you to take a course with these two wonderful writers. Knowledge exudes from their very pores.
Thanks so much James and Sue. You are mentors of mine and I am lucky to know you enough to call you such!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It Keeps Gettin' Better....

Dear Reader,

Things have been quite busy in the last little while. I thought that I would bring you up to date because today is MY BIRTHDAY. I have received a number of birthday wishes from family and friends, and I have made it my job to personally send them a message back and thank them.

That’s right I currently have a job. I’m working for a company that I used to work for, that specializes in Rapid Prototyping. Some of you may not know what that is but if you look it up you will find out that it’s a special world for techies and there’s some interesting stuff that comes out of this type of work. I would put my company’s website up but I don’t have permission and I don’t know how they would feel knowing I am writing a blog post while at work. All the pressing things that were for me to do I have completed though. It’s nice to be back working and have an income that is regular and coming in. Sometimes it gets stressful but I have stated that I haven’t worked in 2 years so I need things to be easy for the first little bit. I have actually been working here a month, I almost forgot that. I am thinking about re-negotiating in January, more hours and such.

This weekend just past we had to give the babies their second set of booster needles. MJ, Nibbs, Mini B and Starlett were fab. I walked them over to the special pen, which is away from their mum’s and they are champion leaders. Mini B and Starlett can still have days where their attitude is quite prominent but this weekend they shone brightly. The kids are also exposed to the bull, Junior, who is their dad. I think they know that he is their daddy because they are very fond of him and spend a lot of time with him. Unfortunately, Junior’s time at the farm will be coming to an end soon because he has to move on to the next herd of ladies. He looks great this year, a lot better then last year. I got some pictures to post so I will try to remember to post them here as well. I’m hoping that we can get Junior again next year because the kids won’t be able to be bred so it will just be their mum’s that need servicing. The year after is when we will need to get a brand new hubba hubba for everyone. Junior will always have a warm place in my heart though because he helped create the wonderful kids that I have now.

The Hills is turning out to be one of the best seasons ever. I know at the start I was complaining how it was slow and blah blah blah but it’s great. I re-neg all my previous statements. Each character is coming into their own and learning what is necessary as goals and wants and desires. Whitney has been lucky to get a spin-off from the hit tv show to create her own tv show called the City. This follows Whitney as she moves up in the fashion world and out to New York. The Speidi drama is rich as always and with a surprise turn, Heidi lost her job last night because she was drinking on the job. I think it’s going to get steam-ier with everyone.

Just wanted to mention that my best friend, Rebecca celebrated her 26th birthday on October 29, 2008. I was silly and didn’t send her anything for that day but I made sure to make it up to her by posting some videos on YouTube and sending her something which arrived yesterday, Monday November 3, 2008. My other best friend, Meggy has her 26th birthday coming up which is November 9, 2008. Please be sure to drop by her blog and give her a happy birthday wish. Then on the 28th of November my friend Sher Bear has her 26th birthday coming up November 28. Happy Birthday Sher, not sure if you read my blog but a big shout out is going to you.

WRIT 2900
This is my writing course that I am currently enrolled in. I think we are in our 6th week of sessions… and I am in love with this course. It is making me push the envelope, experiment with point of view, look at narrative structure, write lyrical poetry and much more great stuff. The teachers are James Dewar and Sue Reynolds, who if you have read my blog taught the fabulous Erotic Writing workshops that I participated in. This course has nothing to do with erotic writing but it is well rounded and focusing on the rules of writing so that when we know them, then we can break them! I have learned so much and will continue to do so. This course is great and I am learning so much more then I thought I would. This course also brought some of my fellow colleagues from the WRIT 1900 to the forum and it is great to be in class with them again. They too are excelling in their own ways and developing a voice they can call their own.

My one student, a young girl the age of 9 completed her set of 6 (½) hour lessons, which was given to her as a birthday present from her Grandpa. She truly enjoyed the experience and got to test out both my small ponies, Stewart (on lease) and Casper. She was so smart as to want to switch riding them between lessons because she said that she liked them both and didn’t want one to get more attention then the other. This gave me warm tinglies because she really cared about the ponies, and that’s the first step. I have since been approached by a girl to give lessons and we had our first lesson on Sunday, November 2, 2008. The student really liked how I accommodated her and her horse and made exercises (on the spot) suitable for what her training needs are. She plans to be showing in the spring, and I hope I am her coach for that because I would really like that. If you are interested in lessons please leave me a message and I will get back to you asap.

Even though the posts have been sparse I am trying to bring you up to speed in each one. I know that I have to get back to doing it regularly. For my next post I think that I should do some fun facts or something. Give you faithfuls a laugh!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mish Mosh Monday

Dear Reader,
I miss writing to you greatly so I decided this morn that I would post you a little ditty. My mum is on holidays in Edmonton, but is currently in Jasper. My dad was a complete dick last surprise there I guess. Because of that happening I have changed the thingy under my name on msn to “to be or not to be an asshole”. Yes it's hamlet-esque but that's ok, Shakespeare wrote a ton of good stuff so why not remember him by a quote from one of his fab plays. As you can tell from the start of this post it is going to be a post with a bunch of mish mosh cause I am just going to pour my brain on to the computer screen for your pleasure. I'm not even going to put paragraphs or anything. Today is mish mosh monday.BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER is a documentary that I watched yesterday. It was a great movie because it brought light to how American's consistently depend on steriods to keep themselves big and muscle-y, like Arnold, Lou Ferrigno, Jose Conseco, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Ben Johnson, Sly Stallone, and many other celebs that you would know. It was very informative because as serious as steriods is, it doesn't kill as many as the FDA, and other organizations say. It kills 3 people every year, while alcohol, hard, drugs, car accidents and other things kill thousands upon thousands of people. Very interesting and I totally thought the documentary host CHRISTOPHER BELL was hot and he was 1000000 times better then Morgan Spurlock (SuperSize Me). The weather last night was completely crumby too. There were thunder bolts and lightening crashes a lot and then came the buckets of rain. What a crappy night, it should have been predicted though because yesterday was very cold and yucky all day. The book I am currently reading is THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES by Cecila Ahearn (wrote PS I LOVE YOU), it's a very interesting book. A woman ends up getting a blood transfusion when she loses her baby and the donor's blood has come with memories of his family and life and job. So not only is her mind filled with her own life's disasters, she has to deal with his too. She actually goes on a quest to find the donor that saved her life. Interesting concept. Haven't finished it yet but I'm more then ½ way through and it's good. In my downloading travels, I happened to come across an album that was all burlesque music. I have listened to some of it and surprisingly, it is quite good. It's sort of like electronica but not quite, but I find it very interesting. Let's say that i am considering getting a pole for my apartment so that i can work out and get hot! (I know that's not really burlesque but ....). FYI= It's monopoly days at mcyaks so to all you die-hards, try and participate the prizes are really good and I wish you well and I'm hoping I get some luck too so that I can fun during monopoly days! Yes, it's my most favourite time at McYaks ever!
Signing off,
10 / 4 Good buddies

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Dear Reader,

Sometimes when words escape you nothing says it better then song. My friend wrote a recent post where she only used song lyrics to describe what is going on in her life.

I find that song helps me through a lot. When I want to rant I listen to some hard ass stuff. When I want to find comfort and solace I listen to music that is mellow and makes me ponder about many things. When I am in a good mood and just want to boogie, then the dance hall and club stuff comes out.

Whether it be James Taylor, Nas, Nellie McKay, Sarah McLachlan or Hedley they all have a story to tell. Each story is different from the last and certainly the next. Although certain parts of the song may ring true with you and may instigate some wonderful ideas they are someone else's ideas. These ideas make you spark your own ideas to write, create, or be your own new enigma. The power of song is something that not one single person could describe and it be the same for everyone else.


I am trying to eat healthy. I was given the challenge of eating one live food a day. For the first 2 weeks it went really well. I was trying different foods: yogurt, stir frys, veggies, fruit. Then I had to do a week of healthy carbs. I found that when I was eating the live foods I was more energized, able to go longer without a nap, overall feeling better. When I went with my week of carbs I did slow down a little bit and felt I craved that nap more then the last 2 weeks. I fell off the wagon and haven't been eating the greatest but come Monday back on the healthy stuff I go. It did a lot for me and even helped me lose a bit of weight. Everyone is really proud of me and being supportive for me to continue on this kick. Thanks guys!


I have a job. I met an old boss on the golf course last week and he said to give him a call regarding work if I was looking. Well being jobless gets tiring, so I did give him a call. I wanted to start supporting myself more and have a better income. Needless to say I started work on October 2 and am doing well. It's part time for now but I hope to eventually graduate to full time.


I sit here watching my two cats, Abby and Zoe. With the weather change they have been acting a little fritzy and doing some odd things. The batting matches are more frequent and since it's been so cold the patio door has been closed, so no outside time. I think the kitties miss their outside time, but I am not willing to freeze myself out of my own apartment just to please two spoiled felines. Yes, they may be my babies and my company but it's not happening. If there are a few nice days left then ok, the patio door will be open and they can seek refuge on the furniture. My cats are funny. They never used to get along. Abby lived here first before Zoe, but when Zoe arrived she thought it was her palace and Abby was an intruder. Well the tables have turned an now they are great friends. They play, share meals, and even beds. I'm glad there isn't 2 pissy females aside from me in my house because that would make life all that much harder.


I must make a quick mention about the Hills. When it first started I was really thinking that this season was going to be the worst season to date. Man was I ever wrong. They just needed to get their engines rev'd so that they could let the drama fly. The last few shows have been totally fantastic and have been drama packed, therefore making it the bees knees. There's the usual Spencer and Heidi conflicts, Lo and Audrina are now getting along, Lauren thinks she wants to date someone she's already dated (hopefully it's Brody...fingers crossed), Stephanie has betrayed Lauren, Whitney is a star at People's Revolution and the new guy Doug, well lets just say he's trying to get his from Stephanie behind Lauren's back and has been CAUGHT! So let's go back to singing, “The hills are alive with the sound of bickering and yelling.....”

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thanks to You

Dear Reader,
I sit here listening to a variety of music, some death cab for cutie, maroon 5, and other mellow music. For some reason I am brought to the edge of tears. All the songs seem to be touching my heart and wrenching it slowly. A tear has not been shed but my eyes are warm, hot even and the tears are brimming my eye lids. I have to say that I did listen to my favourite song, or one of them, What Sarah Said by Death Cab for Cutie. There's something about that song that I cannot explain. I think it might be at the end when it says, LOVE IS WATCHING SOMEONE DIE......WHO'S GOING TO WATCH YOU DIE. That sentence alone brings me to pondering and wondering what life has to bear for me. Then the next song in rotation is She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. Every night before I go to bed I look in the mirror and tell myself that I am a strong, confident woman and I am not going to take shit from anyone. I think tonight that I could say that a few extra times...try and bring myself up out of this hole that I have dug for myself. Writing to you helps. I get to put down the core ideas down and you may not make sense of it, I know sometimes it makes no sense to me. But there's that 'it' factor about it because you dear reader are true and constantly come back for more. I wonder what brings some of you readers here to check out my blog. Education...maybe. Mixture of ideas....maybe. Trivial pursuit...maybe. There are so many answers that I cannot name one specific one. One thing I will say though, Thank you dear reader for sticking by me through thick and thiné I appreciate everyone that looks at this blog, it is my baby and I am so happy to share it with you. I may not know who you are, or I may know who you are. We could pass each other on the street and not know. So many scenarios, and situations. You are still here though no matter what. Thank you so much.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Beginnings and Quiet Endings

Dear Reader,

During the weekend I took my first aid and cpr course. I am officially a trained first aider and cpr person. I knew the person that was teaching the course, which was nice to see a familiar face. A couple things I noticed that I thought you should know. Whenever you are dealing with someone, ALWAYS put gloves on, doesn't matter if it's a baby, adult or whatever. This is for protection of yourself so that you do not get any diseases and such that may be transferred by mouth on mouth or skin on skin contact. Another piece of information, if you want to have the donut bandage in your first aid kit, be pro-active and make a few ahead of time. I personally found it very time consuming to make this bandage. I found the procedures for a when a baby is choking very harsh, but that's just the way it is I guess. So now being a knowledgeable first aider, I can now give riding lessons and know the correct procedures for what to do in case of emergency. Crossing my fingers, I hope that I never have to use them but I am ready just in case.

FRIDAY – My Grandmother Passed Away
Unfortunately, for my dad his mother passed away on Friday. She passed in her sleep so there was hopefully, no suffering. Towards the end of things, she was unable to recognize who my dad was. I did not have any contact with her so I am wishing she rests in peace and leaving it at that.

Last week in one of my groups, I was told to try and eat a LIVE fruit or vegetable everyday for 7 days. I have been very good and keeping track of what I eat so that I can tell the group of my progress. I must say that I feel a lot better and not only that, but I find I am not aching for a nap as much as I was before. I have tried to eat something different everyday so that I am broadening my tastebuds, and trying new things. I have made a significant change, all I have to do is keep it up!

I will admit that I use my email a lot and I do not have a problem with people who do. Since my parents are in the baby boomer age I have also learned that certain things are better done face to face. An incident occurred last night where I had two people tell me they were no longer riding at my barn. The sad part is that they both did it over the email. They had my home phone number so why not just call me.... These people are of my parents age so I don't understand why they don't use the face to face policy either. Mum said it could be because they are in the age of computers and that takes the job of having to tell someone something face to face away. I find it very sad that people find they can hide behind their computer screen and keyboard and just type a message and that be the end of it. Yes, I realize it would or will be harder to tell someone to their face or at least over the phone, but you took the high road, so KUDOS to you for doing so. Very rarely anymore do people take the high road, but for the few that do that makes us special. We are not apart of the faceless computer communication age.

At least these two fish are in a situation where if need be they can communicate face to face!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm Over You

Dear Reader,
I originally decided that I was not going to write this because I figured that I don't need to devote anymore time to writing about the guy I refer to as the One. Well there has been a breakthrough in the land of Sarah..... I am over the One. My best friend said that I should write to you dear reader so that you can feel refreshed to know that I am over him. It has taken quite a long time to get over him... years actually. The last time I spoke with him he rejected me and I have moved on from that. I used to think that there is one person in the world that will be your one and only true love. Well I haven't found the new guy yet but I am going to prove that theory wrong. The next guy I date, he will be spoiled with my love and feelings for him, something the One realized was not a good idea. To have someone care about you insistently for so long after the break up, that to me says there was something special...not to him though... he didn't want to remember anything of those times and such. Well that's fine I am done remembering them as well. I am currently focusing on myself before getting into a relationship. One needs to be at comfort and understanding with themselves before they throw another person into the mix. Getting over the One has been a major success for me, it took a lot of listening to the Aly and Aj cd, which is all about moving on and having a relationship end.



Please, don't flatter yourself
You're not the only one
This heart has ever felt
Please, don't exaggerate
Don't tell me you're okay, okay, okay..

I will admit, if you admit it
It's harder than we both thought
It's easier to fall apart
Look where we are (look where we are, look where we are)
I can forgive it, I can't forget it
You left me here with all these scars
and you can't deny the hardest part
I'm not in your arms

We're more hurt than we appear
The world will never know
We both have tasted tears, my dear
You're denying what I say
Don't act like it's okay
Cuz it's not okay

I will admit, if you admit it
It's harder than we both thought
It's easier to fall apart
Look where we are (look where we are, look where we are)
I can forgive it, I can't forget it
You left me here with all these scars
and you can't deny the hardest part
I'm not in your arms

It's not in the cards
It's not in the stars!
I'm not sorry, I'm not sorry
You're not sorry

I will admit, if you admit it
Just please, don't flatter yourself
Please, don't flatter yourself

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another Rant Sesh... How Fitting....

Dear Reader,

There are a few things that I would like to talk about. I will give each it's own sub-heading so that no one, including me, gets lost.


This show airs on Wednesday nights at 8 pm on CBS. I love this show because it puts dogs and owners to the test in a variety of areas. Tonight though, I was not so impressed. The tasks were related to courage but I thought that they were completely unreasonable. The first task, for the dog bone suite, was to have an elephant walk towards the dog and not have it move. The elephant would then shake it's head at 20 ft away and then progress forwards to get a banana which was lying infront of the dog. There were only 2 dogs that completed the challenge, Laurie/Andrew and Travis/Pressly. For a tie breaker the dogs had to sit and the elephant would charge the handler while they had their back towards the pachyderm and the dog would have to remain in a sit-stay position. The first dog to remove their hind quarters from the ground loses. Laurie/Andrew won the challenge and the dog bone suite which was a nice win for her since she had not won a challenge before. The problem I have with this is that even though there was a trainer with the elephant in the best of times elephants are not predictable so why would the show want to endanger the competitors and their dogs...just for ratings...that's pretty bad. The final challenge did not sit well with me either. Towards the end each dog had to jump off a platform and zipline down to their handler. This was unsafe to me as well because the dogs would flail in their harnesses and how realistic is it that the dog will have to do that in life. One dog, Galaxy/Jd's, got hurt during the exercise and is now at risk for having to bow out of the competition because she is hurt. Why give a challenge that the dogs, which are the main focus of the show, may get hurt while me that sounds uber silly. I also am upset because my favourite team Bill/Star were eliminated for no reason tonight. The judges were unable to give fit reasoning and they made quite the performance when they started tearing up as they called Bill and Star's name for elimination. Bill and Star should have stayed tonight because they acted in an appropriate manner throughout the filming of the show and they were a well working and loving team. My heart goes out to Bill and Star, the fact that they were cut makes me so upset that I do not want to continue watching the show but I will on the fact that I want to see who wins. That does not mean that I am promoting the show, so I thought I would rant to you dear reader.
Bill and his 'kid', Star


This season so far has not turned out to be as steamy and drama-packed as last season. I know there are only 2 episodes that have been aired but they weren't the greatest, and we all know that I am a devoted Hills fan. Spencer has cut more people off, no surprise, Heidi is starting to wonder about Lauren, Audrina and Lo hate each other, Whitney got promoted and Doug seems hot but there's something funky junky about him. Not so impressed about this either.


I have come to a point in my life where I have stopped caring what the people in the small town that I live in think about me. I was at a favourite restaurant picking up some take out and I knew that some men were clearly whispering and laughing at me, they weren't discrete at all. So that's when I started my FUCK UXBRIDGE rampage. Well the rampage has clearly progressed into a full out battle with everyone on the planet, minus the few that I hold dear. FUCK THE PLANET is what I am naming my new rampage. I am tired of people being dickheads, thinking they are entitled to things they are not, and just being plain greedy. In Uxbridge, just because you have money or a certain last name, you're going to get guaranteed special treatment. I think this is complete and utter bunk. What happened to people working and earning trust and standing on their own without the aid of a couple bucks here and there. Some people that I consider friends, well they aren't too friendly anymore so guess what, they're cut too with a big FUCK YOU! I am beginning to notice that the world is a shitty place and people will do whatever they have to get ahead, step on others, commit crimes, even purger themselves. What kind of pathetic place do we live in if that's what you have to do to get ahead. I want no part of it. I will keep going by the old way of things, the way I was taught to be honest and have morals. I will get screwed by people time and again and that will just prove my rampage and it's theory is correct. It's a new day and meaning in the land of Sarah.....that's for sure.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Hills: Are Alive With The Sound of Bickering and Drama!

Dear Reader,
If you didn't know, the Hills, one of my fav shows that I write about all the time when the season is airing, premiered last night. The previews of Season 4 looked really juicy. Lauren dates someone from her past, Spencer ditches his sister Stephanie because she is friends with Lauren, Spencer and Heidi are living together, Stephanie goes on a date with the guy Lauren is seeing, the tension in the house between Audrina and Lo gets worse, things heat up between Justin Bobby and Audrina again, and there's so much more.
Thoughts of Last Night
I really was looking forward to the show last night and I was able to watch it with two of my closest friends, Becs and Nathan. They do not like the Hills but they said they would watch it with me, (Thanks guys, I really do appreciate it!). I was glad to see the start of a show that is a regular program for me. I usually don't watch any tv while at home but at least I can watch the Hills now! Back to the premiere.... Lauren thinks it's about time she get back into the dating game and she does have a point. The guy she starts to date, Doug, is a guy she went to his prom with when she was in her Laguna Beach days. I thought Doug was very attractive, which is always nice to see another hot male body added to the cast of the show. I must say upfront though, for all the clips of Season 4 that were shown I truly thought that the premiere was not as good as it could have been. There was drama between Spencer and Heidi, and then also with Audrina and Lo, but what else is new. You expect that if you watched the 3rd Season. Justin Bobby made an appearance, but you also expect that because Audrina really didn't break up with him in the 3rd Season either. Another new character appeared though which was a nice addition of drama to an already simmering pot in the Montag/Pratt household, Heidi's sister, Holly came for a visit. Now Holly was very nice and friendly and all but Spencer was NOT impressed, heck I don't even think that begins to describe what he was thinking. I think the show was a catch up episode rather then a juicy premiere, so I am hoping that next week will make up for it.
Stay tuned ladies and gents!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Congrats and Tribute to My Dear Friend Becs

Dear Reader,
The days are going by so fast. My dear friend, Becs, is leaving for the Cayman Islands on Sat. Aug 23. I'm not going to lie, this is starting to affect me. Becs and I have been friends on and off for quite sometime but we still keep coming back to each other for a greater friendship then the previous one. I have been really positive in Becs moving and her decisions to move and I will continue to do so, that's what any good friend should and would do. When Becs posted an online album of her last week in Canada that made it even more real, also I have a mental day count down which keeps haunting me of the day of the beginning of her new journey. Us becoming friends this time has made our friendship stronger than ever. We talk all the time, or message each other all the time, when we go days without talking because of our busy lives it just feels weird. I have said that I will go down to the Cayman Islands and visit Becs because I would love to see her in her element and how she's doing. We've even gone so far as to plan some of the things we would like to do, ie. Go to stingray bay, visit the sea turtle farm, and so much more.
Although Becs is leaving I have some great memories already that are filed close in my mind and in my heart. One that I know Becs truly enjoys is the art of cow wrangling which my dad and I have taught her. Becs enjoys working with the babies everytime she gets the chance and she has formed some close working relationships with them! Recently Dad has been inviting Becs and Nathan, her significant other, over for dinner on Sunday night. We have a variety of conversation, get in some cow wrangling, have a good meal and also get a mini Scrabble tourney going on. Becs came up to my mum's boyfriend's cottage with me and was able to yet again whoop my ass at Scrabble consistently, while having an enjoyable time with my mum and her boyfriend. Becs has pretty much been inducted to the Gall family with open arms and she loves it...or at least she says she does.... I tell her to get out asap because look how I turned out, and that gives us plenty of laughs. Many a dinner we have shared trying a new restaurant or food. Without Becs I would have no idea how great Bubbletea or Korean BBQ is, and this I thank her for muchly.
Becs is a beautiful, charming and posh woman that is moving to the Cayman Islands to excel in her career as a law clerk. I'm very proud of her for making such a move even though it would take her away from the family and friends she holds dear to her heart. There will be tonnes of emails and care packages sent to Becs from me, that's a guarantee because I enjoy doing that. Becs, you will be missed, your adventurous attitude, your posh style, and babe-licious looks, but you are only a phone call or email away.
Love, as always

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Should I or Shouldn't I Donate? That's the Question

Dear Reader,

I often turn down stores when they ask if I would like to make a charitable donation. I get tired of it, I'm not a money pit and I certainly can't afford to provide for others when providing for myself can be tough. Today was different though. As I was cashing out at the local Walmart, I was asked if I wanted to donate a $1 to the Red Cross. I thought for a minute, maybe one day I will need the help of the Red Cross. If I donate a buck now maybe that will help me later in life. So I looked at the cashier and said sure. I wasn`t positive at the moment about doing so but I did it anyway and now, after some time has passed I`m glad I did cause that dollar could help me one day in the future. Then as I was walking out I was asked by a lady for a donation for missing children in Canada. I was in a charitable mood so I gave $2 and then was told that there are 66,000 missing kids in Canada. I was shocked to hear that, and even worse was that I had no idea the number was that large. I was given a little sheet that gave me some factoids and stuff regarding missing children and children that are exploited. Some things I already knew, ex. Most kids that are abducted are taken by somebody they know, like a relative or family member, OR internet abductions are increasing at an alarming rate.

Things I didn`t Know (some are quite disturbing.... but we need to know):

-More than 2300 children are reported missing daily in North America

-74% of children abducted by a stranger, who are murdered, are dead within the first three hours of their abduction

-Most child abductions occur within a ¼ mile of the child's home

-1 in 3 boys and 1 in 2 girls are victims of unwanted sexual advances before they reach the age of 18

-While surfing the internet, more than 1 in 5 children between the ages of 10 and 17 are victims of sexual advances by sexual predators

So when you are thinking of turning down certain charities ponder how this may affect you. I don't have kid(s) now but I may in the future and I would want to know that they could receive help from an organization that is designated to do so. I would want my kid(s) protected and implement things that would help in case they did get lost, such as Child ID/DNA Clinics, Investigative Services, Child ID kits, etc. Like I said before, we can't afford to support every charity because we all aren't millionaires but when you hear shocking information such as what I have shared above with you, then maybe when certain charities tug at your heart strings we need to consider possible future uses.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Education Investigation!!!!

Dear Reader,

I was reading the Sunday Star Paper and in the 10 Things I Learned This Week there was some very educational information. ENJOY!

-The wind speed of the average sneeze is tornado force – 200 km/h.

-Suppressing a sneeze can (but usually doesn't) cause nosebleed, a burst eardrum, nasal cartilage fracture, a detached retina and, in extremely rare cases, stroke or aneurysm.

-Buddy Ebsen, best known as Jed Clampett in tv's Beverly Hillbillies, had to drop the role of Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz because of a severe allergice reaction to the aluminum powder makeup.

-Terry, the cairn terrier that played Toto in The Wizard of Oz, made $125 a week – more than many of the actors earned.

-Swimming's front crawl, also known as the Australian crawl, is an adaptation of the stroke used by natives of the Solomon Islands, and was first unveiled in 1902 during a championship in England.

-The first swim fins were invented by U.S. Founding father Benjamin Franklin, who created ones shaped like lily pads, which he wore on his hands.

-The sardine, named after the island of Sardinia, is not a species of fish but rather a group of small, oily, saltwater fish including sprat and young herring.

-Up until the mid-1600s, French wine producers used oil-soaked rags, not corks, as stoppers.

-Malaysia's pen-tailed tree shrews are alcoholics, regularly consuming naturally fermented palm nectar “beer”, their primary food source.

-Cenosillicaphobia is the term for fear of an empty glass.

MY THOUGHTS......(the most important part of this entry!)

If we are having a tornado size amount of air riled up when we have one sneeze, what is it called when we have a sneeze attack... a monson..... a typhoon.....gale force winds? From this picture I gather that sneezing can be quite dangerous!

I have to say that quite frequently I suppress my sneezes because if I don't it sprays everywhere (yeah I know, it's gross). So there was no mention that you are killing brain cells like I was told all my life by my parents... does that mean that it was a myth to scare me into not holding my sneezes in, or in the really high risk situations it does kill brain cells because that's what happens when you have a stroke or an aneurysm. Might as well include some proper etiquette!

Who knew that the Tin Man's make up was actually Aluminum Powder. I wonder if that had any lasting side effects ......because you would be applying a metallic powder to your skin, sounds like a bad combo to me..... EtchaSketch used Aluminum powder but that was why it was in a plastic casing I guess.

Toto was one rich son of a bitch... literally. Just think of how he could use the money today, going to the doggy cares that are top of the notch, spa treatments, nails painted, a little bow made of major bling bling attached to his collar... This isn't a picture of Toto but I'm sure he has this shirt already!

I have to say that Ben Franklin's swim fins remind me of the Frog guy from the Xmen. His hands were really weird and I think they used Ben's idea, that Copyright/ Patent infringement? This is the modern day version...

They say that sardines are not a type of fish but then they say in the exact same sentence that they belong to group of small, oily, saltwater fish. Doesn't that still make them a fish....

The French already had the idea for Molotov Cocktails before they even were used as weapons... The major difference is they didn't light the other end of the rag!

So there are mammals that are allowed to be chronic alcoholics, they just don't have to go anywhere. But maybe on the other hand we should have a beer for the poor tree shrew because it's not the cutest animal on the planet and blurred vision may help it to look cuter!

Fear of an empty glass... damn, that describes a lot of people I know, and that's not just people that drink either. I think I prefer a full glass over an empty one too, what about you?! I wonder what the term for a fear of an empty plate is.... I think I may suffer from that one.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Dear Reader,
This is going to be a vent piece, I am just going to write what comes to mind and put it on the page for you to read and make some sense of. Maybe later I will read it and try to make some sense of it but that probably won't happen for ages.

-What's with people being together for a long time, planning to get married and then breaking up? A friend of mine that I just got off the phone with just had a terrible break up and he was engaged. He was one of the nicest guys I have met and then to hear that this shit happens to him is upsetting. It makes me wonder where all the happy people are. He sounded like he had all his cards in line and he was getting a house, getting hitched and the rest of the package and then WHAMO! What the hell is that?

-I am on a mission. I am looking for words to boggle the minds of the people in my writing group. I think the purpose of our writing challenges is to get new words and use them within our writing and broaden our vocabulary. Whenever I come up with a word that is out of the ordinary for the challenge people always bitch and moan because it isn't easy like 'the' to put in a sentence. You usually have to find the definition and then figure out an interesting piece to put it in. For all those krumudgens that don't like it too freakin' bad, i have composed one list for you and am working on another so there!

-My dad and I worked with the calves today and everyone was awesome EXCEPT Mini B. There's something about her. She doesn't want to work with us or maybe she's just being a stubborn little wench at the age of just under 1 month old. We led everyone else, even baby Starlett and she was getting it and it was her first time. Mini B though, man, she's already kicked me in the leg, which I was not impressed with but oh well it's like a war wound I happens. Can never predict what animals are going to do so you just have to deal with their actions when they happen.

-Dad and I tried to go to Mosport to watch the stock car races as well as the open wheel cars. Sadly when we arrived the parking lot was empty, and the open wheel cars were just having a training session. On the way though Dad and I got into a bit of a disagreement..then dropped it...then on the way home we got into a scuffle again. This is what I don't understand> why is it so wrong to accept particular types of help when people are offering it? It doesn't make you less of a person if you have to go to a psychiatrist or therapist to talk about your issues. If anything it makes you a stronger person because it says that you want to work on yourself and make changes. KUDOS for those that are doing such work and seeking such help. It's hard but in the end you will come out farther then those that don't want the assistance, and maybe when the people get ready to work with the chance the offer may not be there anymore.

I have written a bit in circles but oh well it will make for entertaining reading for you reader. If you figure things out that I have not figured out, please send me the solution. I will be indebted to you forever!

I feel like I am in a state of personal anarchy, hence the symbol below!

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything!

Dear Reader,
It has been quite some time since I have written, and I didn't think it was so bad until I got a message from a FAN saying “Write woman Write! I love your blog.” So getting a message like that has kicked me into to writing overdrive and I am going to give you the down low on absolutely everything that has been happening. Hope that is good for a refresher on my life!

I am happy to announce that all my calves have been born and they are growing tremendously. I have 3 wonderful little girls (Mini Mol aka MJ, Mini B, and Starlett) and a stubborn little boy (Nibbs). The mothers are happily letting my dad and I work with the babies, getting them used to having halters on and MJ has a solid grasp on being led around. We tried Nibbs and for the first time he did amazing, not a lot of fuss or any hullabaloo. Baby Starlett is the youngest but she is so young that she is taking everything in like a sponge which is amazing and useful for training purposes.

MY HAND .. Specifically My Pinky Fingy!
My cast came off on July 4 and I have been going to physio since. The doctor and my physio therapist were totally impressed that after 6 weeks from the break date, I had my full range of motion back. That takes a lot of work and a lot of persistence but I realized how important it was to get the use of all my fingers and wrist back. I have a splint that I am only supposed to wear when I am working with the cows because the fingy is not totally healed and it is for safety reasons, just in case anything happens. Can never predict anything when working with animals.

I am currently teaching horseback riding lessons, which I love to do. I am considering expanding my horse variety so that I can be more accomodating for potential students. My facility is located in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. If you would like to contact me please leave me a message in the comments section so I can get back to you or drop me and email at with subject line as RIDING LESSONS.

I have been working on collecting a list of words for when I am at my writing group. The list contains a variety but I am looking for suggestions. Any words out of the ordinary that are used in the English language would be great. If you would like to suggest anything please feel free to do so by leaving it in the comments section, and I can tell you guys how it went when I used it in my writing challenge!

I have been on a mission. The mission is to create a collection of 80's cartoons that I grew up with for my potential child, if there is one. I have already collected: HeMan and SheRa, Rainbow Brite, The Last Unicorn (movie), Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Ponies (movie), Jem and the Holograms, Astroboy, Sailor Moon, and the Jetsons. As I am getting these movies, I am watching them and it is like I am reliving my childhood. I loved each and everyone of these programs and if I have a child I would like them to grow up with the same tv that I did. Tv from the 80's is a lot different then cartoons from now. There is less violence but a ton of cliches. I know that dvd's don't last forever but I hope that these ones will last till when I need them!

Sitting at the counter of a restaurant I wait for my delicious treat that I have ordered. Time passes slowly as I wait. My sugar is low so I have the shakes but maybe I have them because of anticipation. I hear the machine blurring together my wonderful creation. I forget about the busy hum of the restaurant the door bell indicating when new customers have arrived or satisfied customers are leaving. I am in my own head space, trying to patiently await my treat. I watch the waitress carefully as she pours the silver canisters contents into and large glass. Thick and creamy.... She is sure to add all the canisters contents because she knows I am excited for my treat. Wiping the rim of the glass to make sure that presentation is perfect, she adds the finishing touch of a red and white striped straw.

“Here ya go!” She says with a huge smile.

“Thanks so much. I have been dying for one of these all day.”

I close my eyes and start to suck on the straw so that my palette is able to get a sweet taste. A thick sensation enters my mouth and I get the beginning of a brain freeze. I am not bothered by this small hinderance because it means that my milkshake is made to perfection. The rich vanilla flavour hits the spot on my tongue and my whole body relaxes with a yum.
Hope you enjoyed the milkshake ditty as much as I did because I have a craving now! Who knows maybe you will too!

Thanks for being true and sticking with me dear reader, even though I haven't written to you in quite some time. I plan to be more faithful and give my audience what they want. Humour, and stories with a dash of education!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Little Ditty

Dear Reader,

I wrote this little ditty for a friend who is going through a rough time. May she and you get the strength and support that you need from this piece and those in your circle of support.



Out of the dark horizon and large fireball arose. This was like no other and it was brighter then the sun could ever be. A figure of a majestic bird appeared in the flames. The phoenix was a sign of change. Out of the dark the phoenix flew and created light for the daytime, the sun was ashamed of the petty life it had lived. The Phoenix soared through the air with out any trouble. A strong wind beneath its large and bountiful wings. Many a person stared at the sky looking at what provided the new light for the day. Standing in awe and woman troubled by the harsh tendencies of life gazed at the beautiful Phoenix. In those captivating moments the phoenix was in view this woman made a decision to changing everything in her life. She had carved the word FAIL into her left shoulder but no more was she going to be a failure. In everyone's eyes she was anything but. Nothing can change what your mind will constantly tell you and fixate you into believing. From that day on the woman made a promise to herself to change. For the life of her son, dog and husband she made the best change ever. She addressed and worked on her mental health issues, which is like an internal war. A triumphant warrior this woman became. Medals of honour only noticeable to those who were close. She was special before but after witnessing such a sight nothing was ever the same, which was the best part of it all.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yeah For Babies!

Dear Reader,
I have some fantastic news. It's funny the other day that I posted a pic of a boy and girl stork because I received a call from my dad this morn to say we had two babies born. I rushed over to see them and take some pictures. So both babies were born yesterday night (June 23, 2008), and the pics were taken today. The gray baby is a girl and her name is Mini B and her mother is the fabulous big lady, Bigguh. The black baby is a boy and his name is Nibbs because his mother is Nubbin. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Mini B!!!
Mini B having a nourishing drink from mummy Bigguh!
Baby Nibbs getting cleaned by mummy Nubbin!!!
Nibbs: Man being cute is a lot of work, I need to take a break if I'm not getting paid!
Sibling love!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

So Much to Say... So Hard to Type With 1.5 Hands!!!

Dear Reader,

So I am awaiting the birth of my next baby cow, and I'm very excited. Today will be Mini Mol's first day with a halter on and i'm going to brush her. Hopefully bonding with her will go well and she will like it. As I have said before I love baby time and I get busy with the babies when they are all here. I'm as to what my new arrival will be, if it's a girl that would be cool because we get to keep her but I have got myself thinking it will be a boy because 2 girls in a row would be what we want and that usually is not what we get!

This pic is cute because it addresses whether we get a boy or girl, or even twins!
So I just want to inform you about my cast life. Life with a cast sucks!!! I am managing though and with help from family and friends, we do more laughing about the cast then just being down by it imposing on life. My cast is starting to get very loose which is not good but I'm told that is what happens. I'm wondering how my fingy will be on the 27th and whether i will need to get another cast or will i be able to get something else....maybe a little easier to work with!!!
My cast is a little bit different then this one. I wish my hand contained as much history as the hand in this pic, which happens to be Chopin's. This cast of his hand was made after he died.

My friend Meg as down this week from Tuesday to Thursday and then I took her to the train early Friday morn. She had a really good visit and was able to enjoy a relaxed lifestyle for a little bit. She was great company and when I saw her son for the first time in a while, he was walking everywhere like a march hare. It was really cool to see him motoring around because the last time that i saw him he was just getting ready to crawl. Being able to witness the growth of a child is amazing, I think that's why I enjoy baby time at the farm because they develop so fast.
2 babes, 2 brains = Trouble!!!

Well if we have a baby born today i will be sure to post again. I just wanted to drop you a quick line because a fellow reader made a comment that I had been slacking on my posts. I must do a better job to keep you guys better informed....and i plan to!

Monday, June 9, 2008

New Arrival At the Farm + My Broken Fingy!

Dear Reader,
I know it has been a while but I will tell you why. I recently broke my finger which makes doing everything 10 times harder or more awkward at least. I broke my right pinky finger June 1. I have a cast now, which is fibreglass, so that means that it can go in the shower and it's more durable.
Next thing on the agenda, we have our first baby girl Mini Mol, born to Molly. She was born on June 7. She is absolutely adorable. I didn't know this but baby calves are born with no pigment in their eyes so they all have blue eyes to begin with. Mini Mol suits her stunning blue eyes.
Mini Mol born June 7, 2008, mother = Molly
Aunty Bigguh doing her job already, while Mummy and daughter look pretty darn cute for the camera!

Mini Mol is going to be a Papa's girl, I can just tell!

Anyway my hand is pooped already. Sorry reader, I may have to make my entries short but frequent.

Enjoy the pics!