Monday, November 24, 2008

WRIT 2900 comes to an end...

Dear Reader,
I am coming to the end of another writing course. WRIT 2900 is taught by James Dewar and Sue Reynolds. Now these two are not your average joe writers. They have knowledge that amounts to thousands of books and experience coming out the ying yang. I have had the pleasure of being a student of theirs once again. I have learned so much: poetry, point of view, narrative structure, are to name a few. A couple of friends took the course with me and each of us have blossomed into our own special writer known for a particular style and edge. Another asset we have developed from being in the course is ways to tone down or enhance that voice of ours that makes us so unique. So I urge you to take a course with these two wonderful writers. Knowledge exudes from their very pores.
Thanks so much James and Sue. You are mentors of mine and I am lucky to know you enough to call you such!

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