Friday, June 19, 2015

Daddy's Little Earner

Daddy's Little Earner: A Heartbreaking True Story Of A Brave Little Girl's Escape From ViolenceDaddy's Little Earner: A Heartbreaking True Story Of A Brave Little Girl's Escape From Violence by Maria Landon
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

note - some may find my rating and review of this book harsh but I feel that as a person giving my 2 cents worth of a review I should be truthful and critical of everything. ( I am with every other book so why should I turn soft with this book?) If you don't like it leave it in the comments and I may/not read them. Freedom of speech is a right and what a perfect place to exercise that right than on a book review site...moving on.............

As the reviews before me have stated it was heartbreaking and sad and blah blah blah blah blah... cry me a freakin' river. Sure you feel horrible for the author her father sexually abuses her, treats her like a living piece of garbage and all she wants is to be loved by her father. It's depressing. Brings your mood down. Makes you think what kind of an asshole her father really is... Also, introspectively makes you think what are the social services doing to help this girl. They are bouncing her around from place to place hoping she will stay but they are not providing any therapy or help to resolve the hidden daddy issues that keep the author running. If you ask me this is a perfect example of a broken system trying to help a broken child. While the book did have a lot of sensitive material in it, some of it was ruined by the fact that things were repeated over and over and over again (a HUGE pet peeve of mine). There were quite a few editing errors that should have been picked up because they were clear as day. While I believe the ending of this story has something to be said for the author's story and her journey, I feel that she needed to polish her work more. It was almost like she was trying to write a Cathy Glass story but came nowhere near except in content. I gave the book a 2 star rating for the author going the distance and trying to write her story in a way similar to Glass, but mostly the stars go to her journey and recovery. She made a huge turn around with her life and kudos to her for being strong enough to do it. Writing about the journey is one thing, living it is the hardest thing.

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