Saturday, August 27, 2011


The HelpThe Help by Kathryn Stockett

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this was a wonderful book. my personal thought was that the author, kathryn stockett, channeled the character of miss skeeter. the author has all the same qualities that miss skeeter's character has. i thought it was very very interesting that she would write a book from a perspective that she could relate to. i loved the characters of aibileen and minny. hilly had me disliking her right from the start. hilly got what she deserved and it still doesn't change her thoughts or anything, she is stuck in her racist mode. i really enjoyed the character of lil man and how he liked to hide things, like silverware, toys, etc., in his diaper and his crib. mae mobley developed into a well rounded un-racist child and that is all thanks to aibileen. well told story and definitely surpassed my expectations. the writing style was not magnificent but i will let that pass bc towards the end it was hard to put down.

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