Thursday, September 10, 2009

Advice from your friendly sickie!

So i am going to lay it on the line.

When you have a guest and your guts are biodegrading it's quite embarrassing. When you have no guest it's not pleasant either. I have been a silly duck though. Lactose intolerant but still craving and chowing down on ice cream is not the way.....who says so..... my guts because they are telling me they hate me right now. That among other things that have added some stress to me doesn't help either.

My solution:
-gobble imodium like it's the new chiclet, can't just have one!
-have a handy stash of ginger ale
-liquid diet and stick to it! (it sucks but whatever, if you can't process stuff give your guts a break)
-realize that you are treating yourself like crap and CHANGE (it's for your benefit)
-get rest
-if you have a fever, sweat it out that's the best solution
-if you feel like you are suffering from uber cold a warm bath and some soothing music helps
-SLEEP, very key, your body is rebelling so let it ball up and chill out for a bit
-AND MOST IMPORTANT, get the G/D drama out of your life!

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