Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I was asked by my counsellor to make a list of CRITERIA. (Things I want to do in my life, qualities I want to find in a partner, etc). She thinks this would be a good idea for me to start working on myself instead of continuing on with loveless relationships which just are degrading for my self esteem. In short, I need to think more of myself and raise my bar. I thought this would be a good idea to post it on my blog since I think other people should consider themselves and maybe try this exercise.

-I want a man who is going to love me for me flaws and all (and is preferrably not already taken)
-I can see myself having a child within the next 5 years
-I have to get my life on the straight path so that I can welcome said child with no hitches
-I want my kid to be proud of me as a parent
-I want to have a job that is decent, and that i love going to work (it is out there)
-I want to have it proved to me that chivalry is not dead
-I see myself still living on my own (or eventually with a partner)
-I want to take a minimum of one trip a year
-I want to see the world (related to above statement), whether it is by myself or with people
-I want to continue writing my blog because i find it helps so much with venting and letting go of stress and what have you
-In the next 5 years i would like to at least have o
one book published, if i have more that's fantastic but one starts the process
-I want to continue learning about things, possibly learn sign language, take a course in fashion, or more writing courses
-I want to read everyday if possible, I love it so that shouldn't be hard to keep
-I want to take an adventure and enjoy it (not sure how to explain this)
-I want to get certain bad habits, addictions, etc, under control
-I want to be able to experience more then just 3 emotions and feel ok doing so
-I want to be a participant or guest at a wedding (haven't done that yet!)
-I want to have a few good friends that care about me a lot then have millions of friends who just know me
-I'd like to be a superhero to someone
-I want to love someone like there's no tomorrow
-I want to get another tattoo!
*There's probably many more but i think that's a good start!

What's your CRITERIA

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