Monday, February 5, 2007

A Tribute to David's Single Life

Dear reader, so I am in a sad/ shocked mode right now. I was talking to one of my best friends, Dave, who is supposed to be getting married on Feb 24. He was having issues with his soon to be wife because the reception is private, which my other best friend Jay and I are not invited to. I’m not mad about that because I don’t really drink but it would have been nice to go. Jay is not impressed that we were not invited since we are a best friend tripod the three of us. Dave has been getting cold feet sort of, he’s the type of guy who is happy to just go to City Hall and get married, go out for lunch or dinner and then go home and get shagadelic. His counter part, soon to be wife, wanted the big deal wedding and the big deal reception which is fine I guess but it’s not really Dave at all. They were going to meet the Pastor who is going to marry them on Friday that was just passed. He was going to try and talk it out and get the soon to be wife to realize that making the wedding ceremony a private thing is not a good thing. He had already told me and a bunch of other people that they could come. Well I called him to see whether my best friends’ wedding was going to be my first wedding….NADDA on that one. He’s really bitter that she is not going to give on it either. The wedding is private and that’s that. He really is quite bitter about the situation. He’s saying things that he really shouldn’t be saying about his future wife. I can’t really do anything but listen because I am not in the situation but I really don’t like seeing my friend in a situation that is sucky. If I could make it better for him I would but I really have no control. It doesn’t help that I HATE his soon to be bride but I have reformed my ways so that he doesn’t have to hear me ragging about it all the time. Jay doesn’t like her either, we both feel that Dave could do much better then this girl. Dave is at the point that he just wants to call it off. He says they are spending so much money on a stupid wedding, when they could use it to pay for a house or something. All I can do is support him the best that I can, and that’s what I plan to do. Whether he decides that he needs a driver to take him away from the scene or what I am there for him. We have been there for each other through a lot of good and bad times, we are practically family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your support for your friend during this difficult time is incredible. David doesn't need his friends ragging on him as well as his bride. David does need to know this is his wedding too and decisions s/b made together with both parties agreeing. If David can't have his friends present does this mean she has none of her friends either? Best of luck David, if you give in to her now just wait to see what happens when your married.