Monday, September 3, 2007

Brody + Lauren = Possibilty!!!!!

So dear reader, today was the be all and end of friendships. Tonight was a turning point in friendships, some for the best some for the worse. First I would like to cover what the definition of friendship actually means. As states, the first version of friendship means: “1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person’s friendship. 2. a friendly relation or intimacy. 3. friendly feeling or disposition. I will now proceed to do the usual recap so that you get exactly what I am talking about.

- Heidi is at a work meeting at Bolthouse when her boss asks her if Brody and Lauren are together again because they have been seen mingling with each other
- Heidi goes home from work to Spencer, sporting a moustache (it looked really gross), and tells him that Lauren and Brody are hanging out with each other, Spencer gets really ticked with this information
- Audrina has a meeting with a co-worker at Epic and tries to discuss the situation (if there is one) with J-Bobby, she really would like to be b/f and g/f but she’s not sure
- Lauren and Lo are getting ready to go out to the bar and ask Audrina’s opinion on an outfit, oddly enough Audrina breaks the news to them that she will not be attending the bar with them because she is going out to dinner with J-Bobby, when asked if she has talked to him since being left at the BBQ she responds with a smiley NO (I kinda think yes though)
- Audrina meets J-Bobby at the restaurant they are having a nice meal and then she asks whether they are b/f and g/f, his response is that he doesn’t want to go by labels and that he is irritated that her friends put ideas like that in her head and he really doesn’t F***in’ care!
- Lauren and Lo go to Les Deux where they meet some friends and then later Brody and Frankie show up, Brody mentions about meeting up on the weekend which is fine, but then it escalates in to party with Brody and Lauren at his condo (ooooh drama I know)
- Next we see Brody drivin’ the ‘slade down some street and he is actually able to get a hold of Spencer. They have a discussion that ends poorly because Spencer doesn’t like the fact that Brody is “Rollin’ with his enemy. Which shows me that you have no loyalty therefore I have nothing to say to you.” There’s a click and we hear Brody comment on what a BITCH Spencer is being.
- Lauren is hanging out with buddies at Hotel Roosevelt Pool and Brody and Frankie show up as was planned at Les Deux. Brody tells her that Spencer broke up with him and then eventually the conversation moves to the fact that Lauren had a ‘friendly’ sleep over at Brody’s. Suffice to say Brody says that him and Frankie are now dating (TOTAL JOKES BUT WOULD BE MORE FUNNY IF IT CAME TRUE!)
- Last bit of the Hills, is Heidi meeting up with Jen Bunney at a restaurant for breakfast. They talk about the past and how life is going now. Heidi reveals that it was Brody spreading the sex tape rumours, Jen asks how do you know and Heidi says well I heard him saying stuff. Jen admits that it’s really sad how their friendships with Lauren dissolved and Heidi brushes it off as if she doesn’t care, when Jen says yes you do, you can tell by Heidi’s face that she really is unsure about the whole losing a friend situation.

Now let’s talk. First of all I would like to see the Lauren and Brody thing pan out. I think they would make a cute couple, actually a power couple. Jen Bunney and Heidi being friends makes me very wary because they both backstabbed Lauren, I can’t wait to see them backstab each other and then watch how the situation unfolds. Throughout the entire episode Spencer was really distant even with Heidi, could this mean potential problems…maybe. Might want to stop wearing the ring Heidi so that it doesn’t depreciate even more, then you will get top dollar for when you pawn it! Spencer really has control issues, I think he should go talk to someone. A lot of celeb couples do it, so why would he and Heidi be any different…. I don’t know maybe because they are in their early 20’s. Brody was really disappointed to lose Spencer as a friend over something so petty, they have been friends since they were kids so to throw something like that away, Spencer’s head must not be on straight. But let’s be positive and in the loss of Spencer he gains Lauren which is a way more reliable friend anyway, yet if he sticks to Frankie no heartbreak will be involved! I think Audrina should cock block J-Bobby and just forget about him. She’s always thinking about what is going to happen and what Lauren will think when J-Bobby makes these great statements, probably because she is the only one out of the two of them that cares what people think. It’s shallow, but in truth Lauren does have her back. I wish I could flake around a pool and party with this group, they seem to have lots of fun!

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