Sunday, August 5, 2018

Fight Club (1999)

Fight Club (1999) Drama/ Black Comedy or Dark Comedy 10/10

This is a movie based on the book Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. Another Edward Norton film on the list. Brad Pitt in one of his sexiest but roughed up phases (yeah, I just said that, I'm trying to keep this whole hot actor/actress thing out of it but sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade). This movie definitely needs to be watched 2 or more times to fully grasp the concepts and the meanings. I know when I first watched I was like, “Man, that's fucked up” but after the 2nd, 3rd, and more and more there's a kind of dark beauty and metaphorical meaning that begins to shine through. If you just listen to the voices in the film they are very soothing and with the variety of 'groups' you even get some guided meditations. Meatloaf stars as the infamous Bob with the Bitch Tits. There's also Helena Bonham Carter's character of Marla, with that punky type of hair style and the 'who gives a shit' attitude. Tyler Durden is the man that holds all the cards and as he slowly plays out the hand things start to become different than what they seem. It's a cult classic and it rightfully defends the title. 10/10

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