Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom (2018)

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Sci Fi/ Action 10/10

This was one of the movies I was dying to see and it did not disappoint. Anyone who knows me or follows me knows I LOVE dinosaurs. I watch everything about them. I know a lot about them AND the Jurassic Park/World franchise is one of my favourites. With the Jurassic World movies enlisting Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard to run the gamut there are surprises of old characters popping up or making an appearance. What I appreciate the most about this franchise is that they went the extra mile to show a variety of dinosaurs (not just the ones that would be the best movie factor) and they are very true to what they would be like. Down to the colours, the scales, even the personalities... it's so fascinating and awesome and there's cool dinosaur movies available for generations to follow which I think is great. To imagine a world without dinosaurs is like imagining a world with out books. I love both and would be a giant sad sack if I couldn't have either. The ending of this movie is promising and will hopefully enlist the above actors to run the gamut some more. There can't be an ending to this franchise yet, it's so good!

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