Sunday, August 5, 2018

Tully (2018)

Tully (2018) Drama/Comedy 7/10

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to say about this film. There is a fight club quality to it, which I won't be giving away but making you aware of. Charlize Theron does a great job as mum Marlo who just has her 3rd kid and has a special needs son and highly active daughter. Her hubs is often working so she is left on her own with the kids and he rarely helps when he is as at home. He's an obsessive gamer. Tully comes in as a night nurse to help Marlo. She's quirky, has lots of 'useless' knowledge, wants to help out in any way that she can. She goes the distance to make some of the expectations, that Marlo has laid for herself, happen. Ie. Being the mum that brings cupcakes for the class, making awesome dinners, allowing Marlo to sleep and get up when baby needs to be fed and then go back to sleep without interruption. Tully is like this wonderful superhuman that is caring and compassionate and all the things in between. Marlo becomes quite attached to Tully BUT all good things must come to and end. I would give this movie a 7/10 for the fact that the story has been done before and there were some twists to make it different but it wasn't anything to drop everything you're doing to watch this film. Charlize Theron gained 50 pounds to play this role and then lost the weight quite quickly to do promo for the movie. It takes a very dedicated person to do that to their bodies when putting a prosthesis on would be so much easier, so she definitely earned a point for that.  

Trailer Here

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