Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Can't Get No.....Satisfying Sleep!

This is what I wish I was doing!

Dear Reader,

I’m glad I have you to write to! It’s 2:30 in the morning and I still can’t sleep. Yeah ok so I forgot to take my sleeping meds but oh well it happens to everyone. Your mind gets thinking about other things and you just forget to shoot those little various coloured guy down the old hatch. If it’s never happened to you, wow you are lucky, wish I was you! It happens to me often, not a lot but enough to make it a pain. I have been in bed since 9 fell asleep around 9:30 and have been waking up constantly ever 20 minutes to half hour. ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

So I did what I usually do when I get up in the middle of the night, go for a pee. Yep just like a dog, only my dogs don’t pee at night so how weird is that?!?! It’s a bonus cause no one has to put them out but they usually sleep through the night. Anywho…. As I am done peeing, I look to the kitchen, my enemy because it provides me with nourishing midnight snacks. I stare the freezer down as if it’s going to have a gun fight with me. 2 seconds later I shake my head say ‘meh’ and walk over and take out the evil poison known as Butterscotch Ripple ice cream. Yeah I always look at the Lactaid bottle when I start my spooning but I say, Geez I am at home, by the bathroom, which is the best place to be, so I throw my care for my lactose intolerance out the window. I am searching for the hidden chunk of gold in this box, that’s the huge swirl of butterscotch that is just the most delish, smooth, best damn thing there is. I have eaten only from this box before and there was none, surely on the second time I would have had luck, right? The brand is Nestle (yeah I know they did bad things in the past) Parlour Ice Cream – Caramel Sundae. Close enough to the old trusty but the thing I am finding is that my ‘sundae’ is lacking sauce for the 2nd time. Maybe I will write a letter, tell them how disappointed I was, because when I need comfort food it’s major thing, maybe I’ll call them and let them know they are slightly misleading when they are advertising for it. Sure the vanilla was fluffy but when I am in a boo mood and need a fix, I gotta have it!

On a different note, one of our barn cats is missing. This cat is the best. His name is Oreo and he’s just like a dog which is great. I did the adult thing and made posters for dad to put up around the neighbourhood. Personally I think it was one of our neighbours that stole him, but I’m not going to tell anyone, just you my secret friend(S). Barn cats do come and go but ours usually stay around because we are always giving attention to them and they would be considered traitors if they did leave. We have had a few minor betrayals by the princes and princesses of FUR but we always have them come back. Mum holds no grudge against them, I casually walk by and call them ‘traitor’ under my breath. Trying to receive the same effect as if a person walks by a lady and calls them a slut, and the women gets totally enraged. The cats don’t pay too much attention to what I say and Geez, princess Abby is deaf, so we all know where that messages falls! I love our precious kitties and sure I play favourites but I am missing Oreo real bad. So unbreak my heart and say you know where he is.

*Sorry for the weird ending, I was trying to use phrases that are interesting, then I come out using old words from a Toni Braxton song…lyrically challenged, but in a good way*
Good night dear reader!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

Sorry you couldn't sleep last night...hell yes, I've been there too. Sleep meds don't help me too much, but I find when I'm in dire need, the odd gravol will do the trick for me. Sometimes there's just no point in staying in bed at all, so I usually just get up and head to my computer...listen to some music, write, play some games, the time I'm through with all that, I can usually get back to sleep, although it feels as though it's only been a minute before I hear my wonderful little boy waking up...have you ever considered using a rubber mallet? I figure that would knock me right out, and I bet my hubby would have fun doing it too!