Saturday, December 12, 2009

Comments on Yesterday

So yesterday was interesting, i made my way through it though. I was able to get my hair done and feel like a totally different person. I think that small change will help with the other changes i am trying to make in my life.

There were lots of times that i was jones'in but i made it through. My roomy was very proud of me for making the first day a success. I still have no pot in the house so that's a good thing for me. I won't be tempted to try it when i get in a weak moment.

Last night was fun, the roomy and a friend and i went to a local pub and just had a few things to eat and just talked and laughed. It was really nice and it makes me feel better to know that i have the support from him while he's still here so that I can get through this.

Today might be a challenge but if i keep busy enough that won't be so bad. Just have to keep busy, whether it's writing, doing physical activity like cleaning one of the horses up or anything else but smoke pot then i can do it.

The positive train has made a stop at my station and it seems to be staying for a while so i will take this and use it as self-encouragement to stop! I'm working on day 2 today, lets hope i am successful, I will make the effort to be so that's the first part right there.

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