Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Popper Chronicles> makes its debut!

First i will start off with this :
Hi, my name is Sarah, I am addicted to poppers. I want my life to change and go back to being a productive person instead of a lazy ass that doesn't want to do anything all day.

What is a popper you may ask:
Well a popper is a piece of tip from a cigarette with weed stomped on top of the popper stem. Then what you do is you stick the piece in the drop tube of your bong, light the end and get a poppin'. There is a head rush so becareful not to engage in any dangerous activity such as driving or tackling the CN tower stair case.

The problem:
-first of all we all know that i suffer from a variety of mental illnesses and i have health issues.
-i use the poppers to get away from life and just feel numb all the time
-i got addicted to them, always thinking of when my next 'sesh' was going to be
-with the mixture of tobacco and weed in a single bong hit creates a lifeless like feeling

The goal:
-to get off poppers and go back to living a productive life and wanting to do things
-better my health from getting off of poppers and back tracking on the damage they have done
-as of this moment in time and space i am going off poppers, my bongs have left the building and they are not coming back. I am going to replace popper time with cigarettes or some candies for my throat.
-i have a support system to help me get back on track and i am going to make use of it.

The Point of The Popper Chronicles:
-the popper chronicles is a venue i am going to use to inform people about this addictive way of using pot.
-i want people to give accounts on what they have gone through and how they came to their realization.
-by doing this i may help the masses who are addicted to poppers also.
-i am going to engage in abstinence from pot in the use of a popper and i am also going to blog that and tell people how i feel.

Today was the day that i noticed i needed to make a drastic change. Things with the roomy weren't going very well and since he is getting back seeing this girl he is in love with i got jealous and upset. I wrote about it constantly just trying to get it out of my head, sadly there was no reprieve from them. I was worried that i was going to lose my room mate, things would be different in a variety of ways and more importantly i was worried that i was going to lose a friend. Sure i have feelings for him but they should not have gotten past a certain point and with me being confused about my life i allowed them to. I've let family, friends, and myself down, but now is a chance to redeem myself because i can change and have the power to do. I am not going to lie but i am going to say that i am afraid to quit, because i'm not sure how i am going to manage or whatever. It makes me anxious to think what a day without poppers would be like but then my roomy pointed out that things are way better when there are no poppers during the day. You want to do more things and actually leave your house and do adventures. I am jones-in' right now but i will also say that i am going to curb the popper crave with a drag from a cigarette and then go do some christmas baking which i need to get a start on. I have so many chores that i have to get done and i've been putting them off each day as much as i can. I want the will to do things back again. I WANT TO GET BETTER.

*there will be more coming from The Popper Chronicles, no worries, this is a serious thing that people need to be informed about.*

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